IPFS Stephen Lendman

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US Belligerency Threatens Global War

US Belligerency Risks Global War

by Stephen Lendman

The business of America is war. Since WW II, permanent war for unchallenged global dominance became policy.

The Pentagon calls it a "long war." Dick Cheney said it won't end in our lifetime. GHW Bush called it a "New World Order." Nations are ravaged one at a time or in multiples.

Obama is America's latest warrior president. Many others preceded him. More than ever, today's threat is grave. A previous article addressed the unthinkable - the possibility of global nuclear war.

Leaders risking it are deranged. Some experts believe it's inevitable. Washington maintains a nuclear first-strike policy. Launching weapons this destructive threatens humanity. The possibility is real, perhaps sooner than most people imagine.

Nadir Mir discussed the threat. His March 26 Pravda article headlined, "On the brink of Third World War - 2012," saying:

A global catastrophe threatens. "If war breaks out in 2012 onwards, Nukes shall speak and tragically billions may die. If there is war, it will most likely spread to be global plus nuclear, and without method in the madness. This apocalyptic scenario may yet come to pass, unless it is stopped in its tracks."

"US globalists" want world dominance. Rogue NATO partners want their share. So does Israel. Lessons from two world wars taught nothing, especially the dangers of potential nuclear annihilation.

New wars are planned. Syria and Iran are targeted. Electoral politics up the ante. Obama may attack either country or both to avoid looking soft. "Prepare for Armageddon must be taken seriously."

Washington-led, Western-generated Syrian violence may be prelude for what's to come. Peace, stability, and democratic values aren't options. Dominance alone matters. Permanent wars pursue it.

Attacking Syria, Iran, and perhaps nuclear armed Pakistan more aggressively could unleash a real life Andromeda Strain able to destroy humanity. It's no longer science fiction.

America's rage for war escalates the risk. Yet major media scoundrels won't discuss it or confront Washington's belligerency.

Syria is target one. The road to Tehran runs through Damascus. Months of Western-generated violence ravaged the country. Conflict resolution peace plan deception belies Washington's intent to continue it. Assad's blamed for insurgent crimes.

All systems remain go for regime change. Greater intervention's coming to achieve it, no matter his resolve for peace, stability, and real reform most Syrians support.

On May 7, parliamentary elections are scheduled. Syria's new Constitution mandates them. Over 7,000 candidates, including 710 women, from nine parties will compete, as well as others from the eight National Progressive Front organizations headed by the ruling Ba'ath Socialist Arab Party.

Voters will choose 250 People's Assembly deputies. Expect Washington to denounce the process, as well as Assad accepting Annan's peace plan and agreeing to end hostilities on April 10. At issue, is continuing insurgent violence making it impossible.

On Press TV, Syria's UN envoy Bashar Ja'afari said less than friendly "Enemies of Syria" violated Annan's peace plan.

Syria's committed to peace, he stressed. Assad's been clear on this all along and hasn't changed his mind.

"We are repeating the same position and asking Mr. Annan to get the same kind of commitment from the other parties involved in sponsoring, arming and sending, providing logistics, and assistance to the armed groups in Syria, meaning Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, France and the others."

"(T)he Syrian government has started already withdrawing military units from some areas. These operations will continue until April the 10th and we are expecting Mr. Kofi Annan to come back to us and inform us that the other parties are committed to respect the same."

"I mean stopping the violence and stopping incitement to violence and stopping instigation to violence by all means through Qatar, through Saudi Arabia, through others including Turkey."

"We have respected our commitment and we are expecting others to make the same kind of commitment."

Despite Syria's commitment, he added, Assad's not responsible for continued opposition violence. Western and regional states must stop it. They're violating Syrian sovereignty. Saudi Arabia and Qatar admit arming insurgents. Conflict won't end unless they stop and Security Council unanimity treats both sides equally.

On April 2, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov denounced supplying opposition forces with arms and logistical support. Russia demands both sides fully implement Annan's peace plan. He also called for no artificial deadlines. Doing so runs counter to peaceful resolution.

Syria agreed to pull back and end hostilities. It depends on whether insurgents honor the same commitment. Conflict resolution depends on both sides going along. One without the other assures failure.

Ja'afari said "the plan won't be successful unless everybody is committed." Arming and funding the opposition "is a violation and a declaration of war against the sovereignty of Syria."

The "Friends of Syria" Istanbul meeting was "one-sided." Russia and China refused to attend for good reason. Syria's government wasn't invited, nor were nonviolent opposition representatives.

Spurning them and Assad revealed what's going on. Continued conflict, not resolution is planned. Annan's sham peace plan is cover to mask it.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova added:

Syrians alone must "decide their fate themselves without foreign interference, including the election of legitimate leaders of the country and its bodies."

Washington and rogue NATO partners won't tolerate it. Assad faces a Hobson's choice. He's damned whatever he does. Pulling back leaves Syrians defenseless. Insurgents will continue reigning terror freely. Confronting them responsibly draws blame.

A Final Comment

Washington's regime change plan remains unchanged. Assad's only chance is confronting it to protect Syrian sovereignty. The alternative is a government America controls, colonization and exploitation.

Syrians depend on him to prevent it. Against Washington's menace, his task is daunting and uncertain. Giving insurgents free reign makes it impossible. Either way, resolution's nowhere in sight.

The battle for Syria continues. Understand who's to blame - the same Washington-led alliance ravaging the region. Leaders confronting it deserve praise, not condemnation.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.


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