IPFS Larken Rose

More About: Political Theory

Why They're Fascists

Once upon a time (back in 1994), Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum pretended to believe in freedom. I'd even hold out the remote possibility that to some extent, they really did almost believe in freedom. So, assuming they weren't completely lying from the beginning (a big assumption), why are they being war-mongering, control-freak fascists now?

Those who seek positions of power almost always do so because they're already narcissistic control freaks, who just can't wait to dominate and control their fellow man. Who else would want the job of bossing everyone around? But let's pretend that a good person, with good intentions, ran for Congress, and won. What would happen?

Politicians get a lot of attention, a lot of money, a lot of fame, a lot respect, and so on. They get called the "honorable" so-and-so, and are treated like royalty. All of that can obviously make someone conceited and self-centered, just as rock stars and movie stars get that way. But why should it turn people into fascists? Well, consider what the job of a politician entails. He and his fellow politicians enact "laws," which are then forcibly imposed upon the rest of us by armed mercenaries known as "law enforcement." For all of their posturing, pontificating and propagandizing, ultimately that's all that politicians do: threaten and control people. That's their "job"--insane, evil, and horribly destructive as it is. All of the attention they get, the money they get, the power they get, comes from exercising their (imagined) "authority" to control their fellow man, via the "political" system. So how should we expect them to act when someone advocates real freedom?

The reason fascists like Santorum and Gingrich (and Obama, for that matter) have such tantrums against people who actually want freedom--calling them indecent, extreme, dangerous, traitorous, fringe, absurd, and so on--is because the underlying message to politicians, from those who want freedom, is: "We don't need you and we don't want you; go away and leave us alone." It's no more complicated than that. Most of the time it has nothing to do with principles, or actual philosophy. Fascists like Santorum and Gingrich want perpetual war-mongering, the "war on drugs," and the rest of their megalomaniacal agendas, because, in their minds, it makes them important. They have to exert violent control over their fellow man (via "government") or they become irrelevant, impotent nothings. What would be the point of acquiring power, and then doing nothing with it? What great historical "leader" ever said, "Hey everybody, do whatever you want, and I won't interfere"?

Even Ronald Reagan, who so often bashed "government," ended up pushing fascism forward through the "war on drugs." Why? Because damn near no one can have the "Ring of Power" in his clutches and not use it. And to use it means forcibly dominating one's fellow man, even if the intentions for doing so are allegedly good. What every politician wants to convey is, "I'm important, and great and noble, because look how I use my power for good!" How well would that work for them if they didn't use the power at all? "Look at me, I'm not doing anything!" Great, but who cares? What prestige, glory and adoration (not to mention wealth) would that bring them?

Since the two-hundred-faced Mitt Romney changes his "beliefs" every five minutes, let me use him as an example. What do you suppose would happen if tomorrow he decided to have another philosophical reinventing, and it went something like this?:

"If elected President, I will leave you alone. I won't tell you what to do or take your money. I will be irrelevant to your life. You will have no reason to pay any attention to me, or care what I'm doing. You'll have every reason to forget my name, and forget that I ever existed. So will everyone else. I will end up as an unknown, ignored and irrelevant nothing."

Is it any wonder that politicians so zealously despise the idea of freedom, and those who espouse it? "Political" agendas are the antithesis of leaving people alone. The interests of the politicians are always diametrically opposed to the interests of those they dominate, or their will wouldn't have to be inflicted via violence. When it comes to politics we remember those who dramatically exercised their violent control over others (FDR, Lincoln, Stalin, Hitler, etc.). We don't remember those who did little or nothing with their alleged "authority," whether it was because they didn't want to or because their subjects didn't let them. Politicians hate the idea of freedom, because it renders them completely powerless and unimportant.

Okay, now let me say what I know a lot of you are screaming by now: "What about Ron Paul!?" If you ask me, Dr. Paul is a mutant freak--and I mean that in a good way. How anyone could have walked the halls of power for that long, and still have any integrity and honesty, is a mystery to me. (Maybe Ron Paul is the reincarnation of Frodo.) Ironically and bizarrely, he really has achieved fame and adoration by not trying to control his fellow man, which is almost unheard of in politics. In truth, as he points out, it is the idea of freedom that people are getting excited about, and he just happens to be a symbol of it right now. In many ways, it really does seem as if he wants to acquire power in order to not use it. How strange.

And you can see how much the establishment control freaks hate him for it. When the politicians are out there screaming that it would be the end of the world if we give up war-mongering, drug prohibition, mass extortion, and all manner of other centralized, authoritarian domination, I don't think it's even because they have some deep philosophical belief in anything. I suspect this was true of Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Hitler and the rest of them, too. Whatever philosophical beliefs they had, or pretended to have, were secondary to their own desire to feel noticed, important and adored (or at least feared). They wanted attention, and they wanted to feel powerful. That's why Gingrich, Santorum, Romney, and the rest of them want to be elected, too. And it's why they shouldn't be. Those who seek attention, fame, power and wealth by way of dominating and subjugating their fellow man--and that includes street thugs and politicians alike--are the last people in the world who should ever be given a scrap of power over anyone else.

The next time you see a politician (left or right) babbling on about his supposedly noble plans and agendas, keep in mind that his agenda is all about forcibly controlling you, and that he knows that if he stopped trying to control you--if he stopped playing the game of "politics" and just left you alone--he would become an unknown, powerless, irrelevant nothing.

Well, unless he decided to turn around and do something useful and productive instead, but how often has a politician done that?

8 Comments in Response to

Comment by Kalantiaw
Entered on:

Is this why, with bitterness, he calls them “fascists”? Convicted as a “tax felon”, can there be a scorn more acidic for vengeance aside from using the “f …” word?

Comment by Ufactdirt
Entered on:

Whatever "stupid" excuses you present does not mean anything at all. You claim you are a "political prisoner". Don’t elevate your status as a felon. Are you planning to flee and seek a political asylum in other countries? Insanity does make a convicted felon a "political prisoner".You are just a convicted tax felon. No verbal acrobatics you are good at, will ever change that. You take that civil stigma to your grave.

Listen, Larken Rose … face it like a man, not like an evasive griping coward. You were "convicted of FIVE counts [not just one count but five!] of WILLFULLY failing to file federal income tax returns" to evade paying taxes. And you were sent to prison just like any other convicted felons.

Nancy Jardini, Chief IRS Criminal Investigation, explained why you must serve your sentence in prison: You "intentionally conceal income and evade taxes …those who willfully evade" taxes are prosecuted, which means that you must face the painful consequence of tax evasion.

And you still deny that you are a tax evader? It’s not pretty, hah …Ah, yes, in that dysfunctional mind that you have, you truly believed that you are NOT a tax evader. The court that convicted you for intentionally evading payment of taxes was, in your very sick view of reality, NOT a real court but only a "kangaroo court". When through the court of law you were legally squeezed to pay your tax obligation, what did you say aside from having been tried in a "kangaroo court" – evil government extortion"!

If there is a mind sicker than yours, Charles Manson in prison where you should have been confined, would have envied you, or maybe would have even killed you out of jealousy! Manson is proud to claim the title of the most evil insane criminal ever put to prison! And you should not rival his underworld title he so richly deserved.

I read your argument that you did not pay your taxes because you BELIEVED that you don’t have to pay your taxes, according to your OWN interpretation of Section 861 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). It was totally insane. You are not even a lawyer trained to interpret the law. The IRS, and the people in Congress and finally the Court came to your aid and advised you that your personal interpretation of the IRC was INVALID, but still you resisted paying your taxes because you BELIEVED you don’t have to. And that was how you argued your way to the calaboose.

Imagine many mentally disturbed criminals who argue against their convictions exactly like you. They should not face the electric chair for the heinous crimes they have committed because they believed that what they did was not against the law!

There … I am holding the Mirror in front of you so that you can have a glimpse of yourself. Don’t thank me. It is a free public service feature [community pro bono for those who badly need help].

[not just one count but five!] to evade paying taxes. And you were sent to prison just like any other convicted felons.

Comment by Ufactdirt
Entered on:

Whatever "stupid" excuses you present does not mean anything at all. You claim you are a "political prisoner". Don’t elevate your status as a felon. Are you planning to flee and seek a political asylum in other countries? Insanity does make a convicted felon a "political prisoner".You are just a convicted tax felon. No verbal acrobatics you are good at, will ever change that. You take that civil stigma to your grave.

Listen, Larken Rose … face it like a man, not like an evasive griping coward. You were "convicted of FIVE counts [not just one count but five!] of WILLFULLY failing to file federal income tax returns" to evade paying taxes. And you were sent to prison just like any other convicted felons.

Nancy Jardini, Chief IRS Criminal Investigation, explained why you must serve your sentence in prison: You "intentionally conceal income and evade taxes …those who willfully evade" taxes are prosecuted, which means that you must face the painful consequence of tax evasion.

And you still deny that you are a tax evader? It’s not pretty, hah …Ah, yes, in that dysfunctional mind that you have, you truly believed that you are NOT a tax evader. The court that convicted you for intentionally evading payment of taxes was, in your very sick view of reality, NOT a real court but only a "kangaroo court". When through the court of law you were legally squeezed to pay your tax obligation, what did you say aside from having been tried in a "kangaroo court" – evil government extortion!

If there is a mind sicker than yours, Charles Manson in prison where you should have been confined, would have envied you, or maybe would have even killed you out of jealousy! Manson is proud to claim the title of the most evil insane criminal ever put to prison! And you should not rival his underworld title he so richly deserved.

I read your argument that you did not pay your taxes because you BELIEVED that you

don’t have to pay your taxes, according to your OWN interpretation of Section 861 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). It was totally insane. You are not even a lawyer trained to interpret the law. The IRS, and the people in Congress and finally the Court came to your aid and advised you that your personal interpretation of the IRC was INVALID, but still you resisted paying your taxes because you BELIEVED you don’t have to. And that was how you argued your way to the calaboose.

Imagine many mentally disturbed criminals who argue against their convictions exactly like you. They should not face the electric chair for the heinous crimes they have committed because they believed that what they did was not against the law!

There … I am holding the Mirror in front of you so that you can have a glimpse of yourself. Don’t thank me. It is a free public service feature [community pro bono for those who badly need help].


[not just one count but five!] to evade paying taxes. And you were sent to prison just like any other convicted felons.

Comment by Larken Rose
Entered on:

UFactDirt, by the way, not that the truth matters to you (obviously), but it wasn't tax evasion. It was misdemeanor "willful failure to file." I was caged for a year for not sending pieces of paper to the IRS. I'm sure you find that just and proper. 

Comment by Larken Rose
Entered on:

UFactDirt, you think that was some secret "skeleton" you unearthed? That's hilarious. For about fifteen years now--before, during, and after my mock trial in the kangaroo court--I've been quite loud about the entire case. But I'm glad you can find some glee in having a fellow slave soundly whipped, if that makes you feel better.

And no, being another political prisoner for not bowing to the extortion racket isn't why I recognize "government" extortion as evil. I've been pointing out the inherent illegitimacy of the state since before I knew anything about tax law. 

I'd rather be a political prisoner than a delusional, mentally unstable fascist apologist, like yourself.

Comment by Ufactdirt
Entered on:

Larken Rose, I have nothing against you. I hardly knew you. You are concerned who I am. It doesn’t matter. What matters, if you understand, is who you are that published such "extraordinary" writings which attracts my attention. I listened to your Videos you circulated, read your published works against the IRS and its agents who you think have no mercy on taxpayers who are guilty of tax evasion. I tried to comprehend your "hatred" against the IRS, and why you feel so "threatened" by laws especially the Tax Code and has a trauma with law enforcers. Then I know why. The Internet is not kind enough to hide your skeletons in the closet. You have served your sentence for tax evasion.



My adulation about you was shattered. Do I still want to be like you? Nah … thanks.

With regards to Ron Paul, supporters like you explains why among the GOP candidates, Ron Paul is so "extraordinary."

Comment by Larken Rose
Entered on:

To UFactDirt:

1) I'm a Ron Paul "supporter" only in the sense that I think he's an honest, principled guy. I believe the political process is insane and destructive, and while Dr. Paul wants a small, constitutional "government," I think even that is inherently bogus.

2) I'm not completely hideous, but I don't consider myself good-looking, and I don't like to look at myself (much less "adore" myself) in the mirror. Projecting a little, are we? For years I posted without anyone knowing what I looked like, until someone kept pestering me, saying people want a face to associate a name with. I gave them the only face I have.

3) Who "makes" himself think things? The only rational beliefs--or rather, conclusions--are those reached by applying logic to evidence.

4) I wouldn't call Dr. Paul a "politician," precisely because he does NOT pander to anyone, or change what he says and does to please voters. He says what he thinks, and votes as his conscience tells him. He's been doing that for a zillion years, and is hated by the establishment for it.

5) Enacting "laws" IS threatening people. What do you think a "law" is? A polite suggestion? Helpful advice?

6) Which part of "armed mercenaries forcibly imposing 'law'" do you not see? They get paid to cage people who disobey the edicts of politicians. That's the literal reality that everyone knows, even if propagandists and dictionaries like to pretty it up with more vague terminology.

7) Nice try, but your distinctive, slightly psychotic thinking and writing style can't be disguised no matter how many pseudonyms you use. I use my real name, and real face (such as it is). Why don't you?

Comment by Ufactdirt
Entered on:

Glad to know you, Sir, the only Ron Paul supporter I know that really thinks and sounds like Ron Paul himself. If your picture is not accompanying this written diatribe against politicians, I would have suspected that it was written by Ron Paul himself, although he could deny it later on!

In the picture, you and Ron Paul look alike – both handsome and good-looking. I am sure you accompany your writings with your own photograph because you love to look at yourself, like how you adore yourself in front of the Mirror. So does Ron Paul in front of the camera. I mean it in a good way.

I want to grow up like you, to be honest. But unlike you and good-looking Ron Paul, I hate myself in front of the Mirror. My face is not the type Hollywood would be crazy about. If at all, my face is of the Jack Palance gentre.

Besides, I cannot make myself think and say things like you and Ron Paul do. But tell me Sir, are you not inconsistent when you contradict yourself by saying that politicians like Romney and Santorum are "fascists" while Ron Paul is not? I know you love Ron Paul like you love yourself, that I can understand, but is Ron Paul not a politician? If Ron Paul is not a politician like Romney and Santorum who are "fascists", what was he doing in Congress for the last twenty years or so?

You said: For all of their posturing, pontificating and propagandizing, ultimately that's all that politicians do: threaten and control people. ["All" that politicians do …]

Kindly, please also explain this to me: " …politicians enact ‘laws,’ which are then forcibly imposed upon the rest of us by armed mercenaries known as "law enforcement".

I thought you said that politicians are just "posturing, pontificating and propagandizing, ultimately that’s ALL that politicians do: threaten and control people …" And now you are saying that politicians are doing something else … "politicians enact ‘laws’" … Can you please decide which one do you really want to say …

You also said law enforcers are "armed mercenaries" that forcibly imposed the law upon the rest of us … Where can I find the dictionary that you used, which defines "law enforcers" like police officers, as "armed mercenaries" or describes that they are one and the same?

If you cannot explain this to me, I might change my mind to become like you for fear that people might laugh at me or call me a mental contortionist, harebrained or something even worse.


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