IPFS Greg J Dixon

Words Eye View

More About: Religion: Believers

It Did Happen Here!

 We closed our lead article in the April-June Trumpet newsletter entitled, "Can it Happen Here?", referring to the Japan tsunami with the following words: "To Be Continued."  Little did we know that in just seventy-two days, a series of tornados would roll across the heartland of America, unleashing winds as high as 200 miles per hour, and go on a killing spree that would be totally unprecedented in the history of the U. S. Weather Bureau.

Is this the hand of God?
Joplin, a city in southwest Missouri, was the hardest hit, with over 140 killed and scores missing for days. One worker at Samaritan's Purse said, "A week has passed since Joplin was hit by the deadliest tornado in the U.S. since 1947. Some have described    the scenes as if the city of 50,000 people was bombed, or as if someone had placed the city in a blender and hit pulverize." The destruction included the hospital, which was mangled. Why was America singled out to receive the brunt of such fury?  Was this just the accidental caprice of "Mother Nature" or is there something far more ominous behind all of these storms, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, and droughts, that seem to be affecting the land in unprecedented proportions as never before?

Some have said that Joplin's destruction was because of their caving in to the gambling interests and allowing casino gambling to bolster their economy.  If that's the case, it's going to take a whole lot of gamblers to make up the loss of property from the tornado. And, of course, the lives cannot be replaced.  But possibly there is something else that has been overlooked.  A long time ago, someone has said, "Standing somewhere in the shadows you'll find Jesus."  John McTernan has woven an intriguing scenario in the following article that may put all of these events in a different light.
As America Has Done To Israel
By John McTernan

For the day of the LORD is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done (to Israel), it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head [Obadiah 1:15]. (parenthesis added)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
I watched the Sean Hannity Show on Fox News tonight, and for the first time I watched him use a split screen. On the left side, he had a panel discussing the Israeli Prime Minster's speech before Congress and on the right was live coverage of tornadoes hitting the Dallas - Fort Worth area!
The connection or linkage between [Pres.] Obama wanting to divide Israel and massive destruction hitting America was SO clear that it could not be missed. Netanyahu said Jerusalem will never be divided.
Netanyahu said that Israel will never allow Jerusalem to be divided, while Obama states Israel must go back to borders that divide it. Obama and Israel are about to clash over Jerusalem with the LORD backing Israel according to His word.

Prime Minister Peres and President Obama
discuss the dividing of Jerusalem
With the viciousness and destructive power of these storms along with all the other destruction this year, it seems that America has crossed a red-line with the Holy God of Israel.
The article listed below really caught my attention because it highlights the extreme weather last April and how unusual this was. I had been reporting this weather on my blog and made the connection that what Obama was doing to Israel coincided with these horrific tornado storms and floods. Also parts of the country were under severe drought and fires!
The article does a good job summarizing the severe weather during the month. What I am going to do is include two of my posts during April 2011, so you can put it all together. This is like a permanent record. I post so much that it is easy to overlook how this all ties together with America trying to force Israel to divide the land and especially Jerusalem.
April's weather extremes 'never before' seen, US experts say 06/15/11 "For government scientists usually cautious about going out on a limb, a "special report" issued Wednesday minced few words: Last April saw an unprecedented onslaught of extreme tornadoes, flooding, drought and wildfire, they concluded.
"While similar extremes have occurred throughout modern American history," the report by experts at the National Climatic Data Center stated, "never before have they occurred in a single month."
Drought "during April across the Southern Plains stood in stark contrast to the record precipitation across the Ohio Valley, the record floods along the Mississippi River, and the severe weather outbreaks across the Southeast," the experts added.

The toll already makes 2011 the sixth deadliest year on record, said Harold Brooks of the Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Okla. That might still rise somewhat, he added, though typically most annual tornado deaths occur by mid-June.
The researchers explained that April brought an active weather pattern across the 48 contiguous states, with strong storms moving through the center of the country, tapping into moisture from the Gulf of Mexico as they matured across the mid-Mississippi Valley.
And it wasn't just April that saw extreme weather. The March-May spring tally posted by government scientists includes:
Heavy snowmelt in the upper Midwest combined with record rains in the Ohio River Valley produced floods along the lower Mississippi River equaling or surpassing the historic floods of 1927 and 1937.
Ideal wildfire conditions developed across the southern plains as rainfall encouraged rapid plant growth, followed by drought and hot weather to launch still-burning fires consuming millions of acres.
Consecutive dry months caused drought that extends across much of the Southwest and South from Arizona and New Mexico across Texas to the Gulf Coast and southern Georgia
The wettest April on record for Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and West Virginia.
So far this year the United States has suffered eight disasters costing $1 billion or more and the total damage to date is $32 billion and rising, Karl said. If no more disasters occurred, 2011 would still rank in the top 25 percent of years for disaster costs, he said."

As America Has Done to Israel

On April 12, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton said that the United States plans to push for a comprehensive Israeli-Arab peace. She suggested a stronger role for the United States in this process. Of course, this plan means the creation of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.
On the next day, April 13, a powerful storm from the Pacific moved into the Plains and created the system that unleashed the tornadoes from Oklahoma to Virginia. Within 24 hours of Clinton announcing the plan for the US to play a stronger role to divide Jerusalem, the weather pattern was in place to wreak havoc throughout a huge section of America!

I see this as a strong warning to the United States from the Holy God of Israel. If all this happened when the announcement was made, what is going to happen this summer when Obama begins to bully Israel!
U.S. plans new push on Arab-Israeli peace: Clinton 04/12/11 "The United States plans a new push to promote comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Tuesday, suggesting a stronger U.S. hand in trying to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."
Dangerous Weather Targets Storm-Weary Plains 04/13/11 This is the weather pattern that unleashed the vicious storms in the South. "A storm quietly crossing the northern Pacific Ocean will be responsible for more severe weather across the Plains as soon as Thursday afternoon. However, as the storm moves into the Plains, it will strengthen into a potent, dynamic storm with heavy accumulating snow on the northern edge while severe thunderstorms rage farther south."
'Classic' weather system brings Blizzard / tornado warnings 04/15/11 "The severe storms continue this morning into the South. A line of storms ahead of a cold front is headed East out of AR and TX into LA, MS, and TN. A tornado watch is up for a good chunk of the region, including Memphis early this morning. The weather will quickly go downhill for the afternoon in the Deep South as well, with a good chance of tornadoes in MS and AL/TN this afternoon.

At Least 17 Dead as Severe Storms Hit Deep South 04/16/11 "Alabama -- Vicious storms and howling winds smacked the U.S. South, killing at least seven people in Alabama including three family members whose homes were tossed into nearby woods. The storms that smacked the Midwest and South with howling winds and pounding rain left 17 people dead in four states -- the nation's deadliest storm of the season."
Storm's fury over 6 states leaves at least 39 dead 04/17/11 "A furious storm system that kicked up tornadoes, flash floods and hail as big as softballs has left at least 39 people dead on a rampage that stretched for days as it barreled from Oklahoma to North Carolina and Virginia."

As America Has Done To Israel

Right on cue, Obama met with President Peres of Israel about the "Peace Plan" and savage storms hit from Texas to Virginia! It was one of the worst storms on record! Obama has not put much pressure on Israel for months. If he gets behind a Palestinian state by September, terrible events are coming to America. God has clearly warned America of the coming judgment.
As I have said on numerous occasions, draw close to the Lord Jesus and look for His coming for the church. This is the will of God for His people.

1 Thessalonians 1:10 And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.

Obama: Changes in Mideast make Israel-Palestinian peace more urgent than ever 04/05/11 "United States President Barack Obama said on Tuesday that with the winds of change sweeping the broader Middle East it was "more urgent than ever" to find a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Obama was speaking to reporters after holding White House talks with President Shimon Peres.Following the meet, Peres gave a press conference during which he reiterated Obama's message, saying "both ourselves and the Palestinians think that what is happening in other Arab countries will have a big influence on us and on the Palestinians."

Dad, son among 9 killed as storms hit Southeast 04/05/11 "Based on annual summaries compiled by The National Weather Service's Storm Prediction Center, it appeared that the storms spawned the most reports of severe weather - more than 1,100 - in a 24-hour period since the year 2000, the Weather Channel noted."

Please keep in mind that all of these disasters occurred when Obama merely proposed dividing the land of Israel and Jerusalem. In May, the Israeli Prime Minister came to the US, and Obama stated that it was his policy that Israel had to go back to the pre-1967 borders. He gave a speech on May 22 reaffirming his position. Within hours of this speech, a massive tornado storm destroyed Joplin, Missouri.
If all this is happening with Obama merely speaking about dividing Jerusalem, it is unimaginable what is going to happen when he and the rest of the world put real pressure on Israel to divide the land and Jerusalem.

As time grows closer to September and the UN taking up the Palestinian statehood issue, there could be awesome disasters hitting America. Obama is going to put direct pressure on Israel to divide the land.
If you want the quarterly Trumpet Newsletter (the voice of the unregistered church movement) Greg Dixon, Editor - send email address to: drgregdixon@earthlink.net.



John McTernan is founder of Defend and Proclaim the Faith ministries and author of several books, including As America Has Done to Israel and God's Final Warning to America, as well as co-authoring Israel: The Blessing or the Curse. He appears frequently on television, radio and in seminars to educate and debate in defense of the Gospel.

McTernan holds a B.S. from Virginia Commonwealth University and an honorary PhD in Biblical studies from Calvary Christian College. He served 26 years as a Federal Treasury agent before retiring in 1998. He is deeply involved in the pro-life movement, and serves as an ordained chaplain and evangelist for International Cops for Christ, which he co-founded.
He is married, with four children and five grandchildren, and lives in central Pennsylvania.