IPFS Meria Heller

The Mouth That Roars

Meria Heller

More About: Media: Internet

The Meria Heller Show starts it's 12th Year!

Real Cause for Celebration!
July 30, 2000 the Meria Heller Show began on “Net Radio Live”. At the time most people didn’t even realize their computers had speakers. Meria had just finished a year on terrestrial radio when she was approached by a young man beginning “internet” radio! Although Meria had never heard of such of a thing, as an innovator and visionary she knew this was the place to be! With no internet training or corporate seed money Meria took the chance and started the Meria Heller Show.
It is now July 2011 and Meria will begin her 12th year on the net despite having no corporate sponsors, no progressive/democrat, etc backing and has succeeded at a paradigm in which many others have failed. Meria believed from the very beginning that people would PAY to hear the truth and respond to truth when they heard it. She took a leap of faith in the intelligence of human beings to recognize they were being lied to by mass media and a lot of so-called “alternative” shows backed by “left gatekeepers”. Meria has the most loyal intelligent listener-ship out there because her belief in the intelligence of others was proven correct.
What started out as a fun show with a little news tossed in here and there turned into the amazing conspiracy FACT show that it is today. With the stolen election of 2000 in the wings, Meria recognized George W. as an enemy of the environment and quickly shifted gears to try and prevent his election. Of course, that led to finding out that all our elections are fraudulent and stolen one way or the other. Thinking the stolen election was the biggest story she’d ever cover Meria had no idea where the rabbit hole would lead her. Then came 9/11/01, the Patriot Act, false flags, black ops, Illuminati, Rockefeller/Rothschilds, cover ups, Katrina, the greater depression…..you get the picture. Meria leaves her audience breathless during her news shows with news she always says “you NEED to know”. Her guest list rivals any guest list out there and Meria considers her guests the cream of the crop of real patriots and loving citizens of planet Earth.
Meria has no secret agenda (see video below for her real agenda) and is totally listener supported. Others have tried to copy her, malign her and stop her, but she’s still here doing what she’s always done: telling the truth and protecting the underdogs worldwide from the one world order sociopaths who want to ruin our lives and our planet. Won’t you take a minute to post a note thanking Meria for what she does? Consider a donation in honor of her hard work throughout the years with little sleep or monetary reward. Subscribe and do yourself a favor! Get educated. For too long the powers that be have stopped us from using our brains for critical thinking. Let others know of this fantastic feat accomplished by a person just like YOU who couldn’t think of anything more important than the work at hand. Meria intends to keep on being “the mouth that roars”.
