IPFS Dave Hodges

More About: Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings

It Shouldn’t Hurt So Much To Be An American Citizen

With the implementation of the North American Union (see SPP.gov), we, the native born, or legally naturalized American citizens, may want to consider giving up our American citizenship and apply for refugee or illegal alien status from what is left of our government. There are many advantages available to illegal immigrants which are not presently attainable by many American citizens. Therefore, with the abrogation of American sovereignty in favor entering a corporate welfare state (i.e., SPP), at taxpayer expense, we citizens of the soon-to-be formerly United States of American are not forfeiting very much of anything and we could save a lot of money in the process.   

According to the Center for Disease Control, 18,000 Americans die each year because they cannot afford health care. However, an illegal alien can waltz up the ER attendant in your neighborhood hospital and receive treatment for a cold, the flu and more serious maladies at the expense of taxpaying American citizens. Conversely, as displayed in the movie “Sicko,” when an American citizen’s medical insurance runs out, many hospitals simply dump these seriously ill people on the street. The message from our valiant leaders is clear in that “If you want health care, then give up your American citizenship.”

I, you, pay property taxes on our homes. The property taxes go to support our local schools. Our children still are required to pay the ever-present fees associated with school activities. However, if you are an illegal alien, with school age children, you already know that you are exempt from many of the fees (e.g., sports participation) which are assessed to American school children. Who foots the bill for non American children? Well, you already know the answer to that question. The message from our valiant leaders is clear in that “If you want truly free education, then give up your American citizenship.”

With the advent of totalization for social security benefits, many illegal aliens can apply their working history, from their country of origin, in order to pad their AMERICAN social security check, which is increasingly paying higher rates than American citizens currently receive. The message from our valiant leaders is clear in that “If you want truly want to maximize your social security benefits, then give up your American citizenship.”

If an American causes an automobile accident, they are ultimately responsible. However, if an illegal alien causes an accident, good luck in getting your insurance company to pay for the perpetrators lack of insurance and the fact that they do not have a valid driver’s license. The message from our valiant leaders is clear in that “If you want truly want indemnification of the streets of America, then give up your American citizenship.”

When I first opened my bank account with Bank of America, I was required to provide an endless of stream of documentation, including my social security number, in order to open an account. However, an illegal alien can wander up their nearest B of A branch and open an account with no social security number, or at least, not a valid one. The message from our valiant leaders is clear that “If you want truly want financial privacy, then give up your American citizenship.”

Illegal aliens do not have to register with the Selective Service. And when the military draft is reinstated to support the next elective war of corporate conquest, it will be the sons of American citizens who will fight and die in order that the Exxon’s and the Halliburton’s can increase their bottom line. The message from our valiant leaders is clear in that “If you want truly want personal freedom, then give up your American citizenship.”

When Governor Napolitano forces Arizona citizens to be on the first states to participate in the REAL ID CARD in January of 2008, we will be required to participate in this insidious invasion of our privacy if we want to get a job, open a bank account, obtain auto insurance, get a (legal) job, send your children to a public school and vote. Of course, illegal aliens will not be participating in the system. The message from our valiant leaders is clear in that “If you want truly want freedom from unwarranted surveillance from the government, then give up your American citizenship.”

With the implementation of the North American Union, we are already forfeiting our citizenship anyway. So what do you have to lose? If you give up your citizenship status, the American cash cow, funded by people dumb enough to keep paying into this broken system, awaits you. Free “stuff” is only a renunciation of American citizenship away. It’s happy hour, America, and the tab is being paid by you.

We, as American citizens, have one last chance to restore the lost value of being an American citizen. Our only option is to vote for the one and only person who truly advocates a return to being a nation of laws governed by the Constitution. That person would be Ron Paul.


The Ron Paul campaign is seeking 100,000 American citizens to pledge $100. If you care about your pension and the future of the children, you may wish to invest $100 in yours/their future(s). After all, a hundred dollar donation is infinitely cheaper than trying to relocate to a foreign country, if you can find one, which treats immigrants with the same level of affluence and unearned special privilege in which the United States does for its millions of illegal aliens.  

