IPFS Thomas Costanzo

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Vallejo News and Ai Gano: Ron Paul for President

Dear Vallejo News and Ai Gano,

It is so refreshing to see a honest and challenging main stream media article about our next President Ron Paul.  Most people don't realize it, but Ron Paul has already won the election and it’s going to be a landslide!  Americans are so fired up to actually have a president who isn't afraid to speak the truth and not be afraid of the establishment.  All any person needs to do is listen to what Ron Paul has to say and know that he is telling the truth.  Ron Paul has demonstrated with his over 20 YEARS of voting record that he means what says "I want to be president because I have this dream. I'd like to reinstate the Constitution and restore the Republic." as reported by the Sacramento Bee on 6/24/2007

Our country is bankrupt morally, ethically, spiritually and financially.  The Establishment media doesn’t report it so therefore it doesn’t exist.  It’s like were on a passenger plane and we are headed to crash.  The pilot tells the passengers” everything is OK”.  It’s Ok for him because there are only a few parachutes and he’s going to jump off first!  Most people can tell that there are serious problems in this country, however the establishment never tells the truth because THEY ARE THE PROBLEM.  And as long as no one high up in the government tells the people this, it seems almost implausible.  Every day the media regurgitates “Were from the government and were here to HELP”.  Now here comes Ron Paul and he says the problem is the GOVERNMENT, the IRS, The Federal Reserve, FEMA,  our troops occupying foreign countries.  This goes against the grain, he is branded as a heretic, yet his arguments go back to the founding fathers of this country.  This puts the establishment and MSM in a real pickle.   If a Neo-CON like Rudy Giuliani debates Ron Paul, Paul would make him look like a fool. 

Why was Rudi Giuliani was not allowed to engage with Ron Paul in the third debate?  In the second debate Ron Paul caused a commotion, by stating the United States occupation of Iraq contributed to Islamic radicals hijacking planes becoming suicide bombers.  This was too much for the establishment and immediately Rudy Giuliani spoke out of turn and told the audience “he never heard this before”, and asked Ron Paul to retract his statement.  Ron Paul defended his position given the minute allowed him.  After the debate while being interviewing, he was CONSTANTLY interrupted by Sean Hannity in an effort to put a smoke screen to prevent Ron Paul from explaining his position. 

A few days later Ron Paul gave a press conference along with the former head of the CIA Bin Laden unit to explain his position with numerous references to the statements that he made in the debate.  After doing a quick Google search of this event I see no main stream media outlet reporting the coverage.  What this confirms is that the establishment Media only reports the news it wants people to see i.e.: Paris Hilton, the weather, or sports.  That way they can distract a majority of the people from what really is happening.  This is why the internet is playing such a big role in this campaign and the MSM doesn't know what to do about it.  

The whole game is very much like a magician's trick.  By reporting only the news the establishment wants the population to see, the audience is told to look here and not over there, where the attention should really be.  Remember all they have to confuse is 50% + 1 of the people in order to be effective.  This is the purpose for the double speak.  Now elitists know what is going on and as long as no one speaks the truth, the mass hypnotism perpetuates itself.  It's like trying to convict a Mafioso, as long as no one squeals there is no case and can’t convict, there’s just no evidence.  Ron Paul is not afraid to tell the truth, this is what scares the Establishment so much.  They can't ignore him as much as they would like.  This is why he is being excluded from the Iowa Debate on June 30th  

In a stroke of genius the Paul campaign sets up a Life and liberty rally there in the same auditorium as the event he was being excluded from, with free food and drinks.  This way he can speak to all those people who would not have heard his views.  Plus Ron Paul supporters are fling and driving in from all parts of the country to show their support for our next president.   Sources say there will be 2-5000 people there from other parts of the country attending. 

The Associated Press not to be outdone by the Paul campaign prints an article saying that Ron Paul is “crashing the party” when nothing could be further from the truth.  The point to note is the Establishment doing what it can as “damage control” to affect and control the minds of people who don’t know anything about the situation there in Iowa.

In the past all the MSM did aside from the BLACKOUT on Ron Paul is simply challenge his poll numbers or that spammers are hacking the poll.  How can Ron Paul possibly get 1-2% with a 4% margin of error and yet he wins every post election poll?  This doesn’t make sense.  The Establishment has a scientific poll and yet the REAL POLL says the scientific poll is worthless.  That’s because it didn’t say what the establishment wanted it to.  As the infamous corrupt politician Boss Tweed said “I don't care who does the electing, so long as I get to do the nominating”.  

This is why I find your article so refreshing: you’re in the main stream media and you simply told the truth.   Quoting the Declaration of Independence, took courage. Mentioning we are American individuals not a bunch of groups that took intelligence.   I am sure others will follow.   Thomas Mario of the family Costanzo 
