IPFS Frosty Wooldridge


More About: Politics: General Activism


They come to do the work that American's won't do. They come for a better life. They come in droves. Over 8,000 per night cross our Arizona borders. They number in excess of 20 million. They come from an endless line out of the Third World. What most Americans don't realize—they come to colonize and ultimately conquer our four Border States—but it doesn't end there.

One look at California illustrates a successful invasion in process. What are the signs? Last year, according to demographic experts, 800,000 American citizens fled California. Why? Los Angeles stands as a clone of Mexico City. Slums, trash, disease, gangs, drugs, bankrupting hospitals, schools in chaos and about the only persons speaking English are Jay Leno and his guests on the Tonight Show. Over 9.2 million Mexicans transplanted themselves into the four Border States—and beyond—all the way to Maine, Iowa, Minnesota, Oregon, Georgia, North Carolina and Michigan.

They are not assimilating, not speaking English, not respecting our laws, paying taxes, driving with licenses, carrying insurance or investing as American citizens.

They lead 'Reconquista of Aztlan.' Mexico feels our four border states were stolen by the United States. They maintain a long-term plan for reconquering 'their' land. It's called 'El Plan de Aztlan.' Read about it in: http://carbon.cudenver.edu/MEChA/plan-aztlan.html

They write, "In the spirit of a new people that is conscious not only of its proud historical heritage but also of the brutal "gringo" invasion of our territories, we, the Chicano inhabitants of the northern land of Aztlan from whence came our forefathers, reclaiming the land of their birth and consecrating the determination of our people of the sun-- declare that the call of our blood is our power, our responsibility, and our inevitable destiny."

Who are "they?" They are militant, cunning and growing leaders infiltrating the upper ranks of the government in California. U.S. House Representative Joe Baca of California works for illegal aliens by hamstringing the U.S. Border Patrol, supporting the Dream Act, Special Order 40 and other aspects that assist La Raza. It stands for—"For the race, everything, for those outside the race, nothing." Baca supports the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund and several others. Talk about "racism!" What do you think will happen when these wonderful folks gain power? If you swallow a scorpion, you will get stung to death from the inside.

Baca gave a speech, which borders on treason, "…it's a great feeling, you know, La Raza, it's about increasing our numbers because we're in a civil war." This is a man who swore to defend the U.S. Constitution but engages in another calling. He enjoys powerful backup in men like Art Torres, former California State Senator, Jose Gutierrez, Professor at the University of Texas, Mario Obledo founder of MALDEF and Armando Navarro, Professor of ethics at the University of California.

Their website continues its subversion of America, "We are free and sovereign to determine those tasks which are justly called for by our house, our land, the sweat of our brows, and by our hearts. Aztlan belongs to those who plant the seeds, water the fields, and gather the crops and not to the foreign Europeans. With our heart in our hands and our hands in the soil, we declare the independence of our mestizo nation. Before the world, before all of North America, before all our brothers in the bronze continent, we are a nation, we are a union of free pueblos, we are Aztlan."

What you fellow American must understand is the growing fact that they mean business. California isn't that far away from where you are. You can see their numbers growing in your community. Your kids are suffering with their language chaos in your classrooms. They are undermining and under cutting America's working class.

"We are committed to the idea and philosophy of El Plan de Aztlan, we can only conclude that social, economic, cultural, and political independence is the only road to total liberation from oppression, exploitation and racism. Our struggle then must be for the control of our barrios, campos, pueblos, lands, our economy, our culture, and our political life. El Plan commits all levels of Chicano society - the barrio, the campo, the ranchero, the writer, the teacher, the worker, the professional - to La Causa.

Nationalism is the common denominator that all members of La Raza can agree upon."

"We must control barrios, the pueblo, the campo, the land, the poor, the middle class, the professional-all committed to the liberation of La Raza…for the very young there will no longer be acts of juvenile delinquency, but revolutionary acts…our culture unites and educates the family of La Raza towards liberation…we must insure that our writers, poets, musicians, and artists produce literature and art that is appealing to our people and relates to our revolutionary culture. Our cultural values of life, family, and home will serve as a powerful weapon to defeat the gringo dollar value system and encourage the process of love and brotherhood…politically when we are a majority, we will control…La Familia de La Raza…presented at every meeting, demonstration, confrontation, courthouse, institution, administration, church, school, tree, building, car, and every place of human existence…creation of an independent local, regional, and national political party…a nation autonomous and free - culturally, socially, economically, and politically- will make its own decisions on the usage of our lands, the taxation of our goods, the utilization of our bodies for war, the determination of justice (reward and punishment), and the profit of our sweat…El Plan de Aztlan is the plan of liberation!"

If that doesn't amount to treason within our own country, I don't know what does. This invasion manifests Third World Momentum. Mexicans can't run their own country with any degree of success, so, they overrun our country with their desperately poor, diseased and dispossessed. From historical perspective, you can expect that the new Aztlan will be much like the quagmire of Mexico City—transplanting itself into our country.

Look in horror as Colonias "new neighborhoods" expand along the 2,000-mile border with Mexico from Brownsville, Texas to San Diego, California. They feature no running water, sewage, electricity or roads. They house desperately poor, uneducated and diseased slums from Third World Mexico. According to the New York Times, in 1985 they numbered 170,000. By 1995, they hit 500,000. In 2005, they reached 1.5 million. The Times predicted their numbers at 20 million by 2021.

Can you imagine the disease-terror complications to our U.S. population as their numbers grow into a monster much like Bombay or Calcutta?

The next question is, why aren't our leaders arresting and prosecuting such men and women of Aztlan. Why is our Congress not enforcing our immigration laws against such an invasion? With California standing at three million illegal aliens, what happens when they reach 10 million illegals? What is the number in your state?

How bad will it become? Short answer: much worse! Unless you take action. We need a 10-year moratorium on all immigration into the United States and we need U.S. troops on our borders. We need repatriation of illegals back to their own countries. Knowledge without taking action is worthless.


What you can do to change America for the better:

To stop illegal aliens in your community, you may follow the course of action by Mayor Louis Barletta of Hazelton, PA. He offers a bomb proof ordinance that takes business licenses away from those who hire illegals. He legally halts landlords from renting to illegals. Without work and without housing, illegals cannot stay in your community. Check out his website for instructions: www.SmallTownDefenders.com/public/node/6

To stop this invasion locally and nationally: join www.numbersusa.com for free and you can join www.fairus.org and www.thesocialcontract.com

Wooldridge presents a 45 minute program to colleges, high schools, civic clubs, church groups and political clubs across America titled: "COMING POPULATION CRISIS IN AMERICA: WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT". Go to his website for further information on booking the program. www.frostywooldridge.com

To make visual impact: Additionally, we have 300 Paul Revere Ride T-shirts left that feature: "Stop Illegal Immigration" on the front and the very cool "21st Century Paul Revere Ride" logo on the back with web sites. You're invited to order them at the same address above for $15.00 which includes handling and postage. State your size. You're invited to support the PRR. Send donations to: 21st Century Paul Revere Ride at POB 207, Louisville, CO 80027.

www.21stCenturyPaulRevereRide.us ; www.numbersusa.com www.carryingcapacity.org ; www.balance.org ; www.thesocialcontract.com ; www.alipac.us at 1 866 329 3999; www.theamericanresistance.com ; www.ccir.net ; www.theByteShow.com ; www.projectusa.org ; www.borderguardians.org ; www.immigrationwatchcanada.org ; www.mothersagainstillegalaliens.org ; www.unitedpatriotsofamerica.com ; www.unitedstates.fm ; www.worldfreedomtour.info ; My book: "IMMIGRATION'S UNARMED INVASION: DEADLY CONSEQUENCES" Call: 1 888 280 7715. http://www.TiANews.com – www.victimsofillegalaliens.org ; www.pacinlaw.org ; http://USABorderAlert.com/ ; http://SanDiegoBorderAlert.com/ ; www.laurierothshow.com

Frosty Wooldridge possesses a unique view of the world, cultures and families in that he has bicycled around the globe 100,000 miles, on six continents and six times across the United States in the past 30 years. He presents a program to colleges, conferences, high schools and civic clubs around the country: "THE COMING POPULATION CRISIS IN AMERICA: WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT". His published books include: "HANDBOOK FOR TOURING BICYCLISTS" ; "STRIKE THREE! TAKE YOUR BASE" ; "IMMIGRATION'S UNARMED INVASION: DEADLY CONSEQUENCES" ; "MOTORCYCLE ADVENTURE TO ALASKA: INTO THE WIND—A TEEN NOVEL" ; "BICYCLING AROUND THE WORLD: TIRE TRACKS FOR YOUR IMAGINATION" ; "AN EXTREME ENCOUNTER: ANTARCTIA". His next book: "TILTING THE STATUE OF LIBERTY INTO A SWAMP". He lives in Denver, Colorado. frostyw@juno.com www.frostywooldridge.com