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Kamala's dad says she's a 'travesty', Tim's brother thinks he's unfit to ser

•, By Kennedy

The Walz are closing in.

After Minnesota Governor Tim Schmaltz's older brother Jeff announced on Facebook last week that he's voting for Trump in November – another devastating family dirty bomb exploded on social media on Wednesday:

A picture of eight members of Tim Walz's extended family mugging it up in matching 'Nebraska Walz's (sic) for Trump' t-shirts.

That got attack-dog tongues wagging.

If Timmy's corn-fed flesh and blood are voting against him, they asked, shouldn't we all?

It turns out the Nebraska Walzs are descendants of the brother of Tim Walz's grandfather – and the two branches of that gnarled tree have never grown close.

Still, it's another greasy brush stroke in an ugly portrait of the most obscure VP pick in modern political history.

When politically-fratricidal Jeff Walz was asked on Facebook if he could talk his baby bro out of gulping down the pinko Kool-Aid, he replied:

'Haven't spoke to him in 8 years. I'm 100 percent opposed to all his ideology. My family wasn't given any notice that he was selected and denied security the days after.'

Smooth move, joy brigade. No one in Camp Kamala thought to stop this bitter black sheep from bleating?

When reporters caught up with Toothy Tim's Cain in the blood-red Florida Panhandle, big bro had more fighting words.

'[Tim Walz is] not the type of character you want making decisions about your future.'

What? Do tell! If this guy is a total creeper, America must be informed.

Walz's carefully choreographed, casserole-recipe sharing, 'aw shucks' act is looking as fake as Joe Biden's hair plugs.
