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IPFS News Link • France

Candace Owens: Meet the Journalist Who Exposed Brigitte Macron

•, Candace Owens

There is evidence that Emmanuel Macron was a 14-year old student when the relationship began.
Before Emmanuel Macron was President of France, he was a banker at Rothschild and Co. although he was unqualified at the time. Proussard said that David Rothschild, the head of the World Jewish Congress, is Macron's godfather. He added that for this reason, whenever anyone brings up pedophilia in this case, they are accused of anti-Semitism. 

While mainstream media says this is anti-Semitism, the issue is so important that we need to hear the other side as well. Eventually, truth will prevail.

Proussard said that Francoise Nogues-Macron was presented as Emmanuel Macron's mother and that she was in charge of a medical program for transgender people in France.

Proussard stated that Jeffrey Epstein's operation was also linked to the World Jewish Congress through Edgar Bronfman and Ronald Lauder.

Note: you can read the transcript that is linked in the description box under the video when viewed on Youtube.

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