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FAIL: Fake Ads Endorsing Kamala as the "Official Candidate of the Philadelphia Eagles"...

• by Miriam Judith

The Philadelphia Eagles made headlines after advertisements that seemed to depict the team endorsing Kamala Harris appeared plastered all around the City of Brotherly Love on Monday.

The misleading ads showcased Harris in an Eagles uniform and included text that falsely claimed to be an official endorsement from the popular NFL franchise. Additionally, a URL link directed viewers to the Philadelphia Eagles' official voting information page.

Fans of the team quickly took to social media to express their outrage over the team's seemingly shocking political stance.

The posters circulated widely across Philadelphia bus stops, prompting the franchise to clarify to fans that the advertisements were fraudulent and did not represent an official endorsement by the team.

In response to the controversy, the team Immediately issued a statement distancing itself from the political fray

From the Eagles:

"We are aware that counterfeit political ads are being circulated and are working with our advertising partner to have them removed."

Reports from CBS suggest that the poster may have been created by artist Winston Tseng, although the outlet is still verifying this information.

Another 'art piece' by Tseng's has a similar aesthetic (see below), so he could very well be the one who created it.