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Big Tech's green shift to Javier Milei's Argentina

•, By Patrick Hynes

In July of 2021, President Biden accused Facebook of "killing people" because Mark Zuckerberg refused the administration's orders to censor "vaccine-discouraging" memes.

Fast forward three years. Biden has been forced into retirement, while Zuckerberg has watched Meta's stock quintuple over the past twenty months on the heels of a strong debut for Llama – its horse in the artificial intelligence (AI) race. And though Zuckerberg is wisely staying away from U.S. elections these days, that didn't stop him from dining with Silicon Valley's new favorite politician: Argentina's new president, Javier Milei.

Why are the titans of Silicon Valley cozying up to a radical anarcho-capitalist notorious for wielding a bureaucracy-slashing chainsaw? Mostly, it's his promise of a low-regulation artificial intelligence (AI) hub and a "pressure cooker" of minerals. But more broadly, they realize it's time to rebel against government overreach instead of bankrolling it.

After Silicon Valley overwhelmingly supported Biden in 2020, he responded by pressuring them to censor citizens' opinions, weaponizing anti-trust lawfare, and is now trying to regulate AI to death. He's mimicking the EU's proposals, which are led by Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, who justifies draconian regulations with lines like:

"Those of us who learned not to believe in the invisible hand of the market cannot now profess blind faith in the invisible hand of Artificial Intelligence. Invisibility is usually sought to do evil, not good."

In response to the hostility, Meta and Apple have started withholding AI products from the EU market. It's easy to see why Silicon Valley executives would want to ditch politicians who denigrate them as profit-motivated monsters for those who recognize that their wealth reflects their positive impact on society.