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Man Removed from Delta Flight for Wearing Donald Trump T-Shirt Flipping the Bird

•, By Jim Hoft

According to a viral post on the Reddit group r/delta per New York Post, the man was initially allowed to board the plane after turning his T-shirt inside out following a complaint from another passenger.

However, just before takeoff, a Delta employee re-entered the aircraft and escorted the man off, apparently because he had reverted his shirt to display the controversial decal.

"Crazy day in Sarasota airport, I was sitting next to a young man before boarding that had on a Trump shirt with middle fingers and a red coat came over and told him some lady complained and he had to change his shirt or he could not get on the plane. He turned his shirt inside out, and we all boarded. Next thing I know, right before takeoff, a Delta employee comes on the plane and escorts him off the flight, he had flipped his shirt back to the decal side. IDK but I've seen way worse….girl half naked boarded and left alone," the uploader wrote.

In the video, the man can be heard saying, "I'm getting kicked off because of my shirt," as he walks down the aisle with his luggage. He also takes a moment to criticize the Delta employee escorting him off the flight, calling her "stupid-ass Wendy" after reading her name tag.