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The Euro Is A Frankenstein-Currency

•, by Thorsten Polleit

In the story, the scientist Dr. Victor Frankenstein pieces together a human-like creature from cadaver parts in his laboratory and succeeds in breathing life into its body. But Frankenstein would immediately like to eliminate the monster he has created. He sees it as a demon, calling it a "disgusting monster," a "cursed Satan." The monster immediately realized that it is excluded, outcast from human society.

It becomes bitter and vengeful, bringing great misfortune, death, and destruction.

Shelly's Frankenstein has undergone many interpretations over the years. One is that the transgression of boundaries—such as Frankenstein's ungodly urge to want to create life like God—ends in disaster. Linked to this, the elevation of man above what is assigned to him, his arrogance, the uncontrollability of human creation contrary to nature, come to a bad end.

If you reflect a little longer and look at the recent past, Shelly's Frankenstein book somehow reminds us of the euro—the supranational single currency that was "released from the laboratory" on January 1, 1999.

The euro was created artificially by declaring the previously fixed exchange rates of the participating currencies irrevocable among themselves and against the 'euro' as an artificial unit and then merging them into it. The national currencies such as the Deutschmark, French franc, Austrian schilling, etc., were absorbed into the euro, and the euro was pieced together from them, so to speak.

The national currencies themselves were all fiat currencies. In other words, they represented state-monopolized money that was literally created out of nothing. All of them were therefore thoroughly and literally unnatural types of money—unnatural or contrary to nature, especially in the sense that they did not come into existence through voluntary cooperation. In fact, they were enforced top-down by the state's monopoly. And the economic and ethical defects of the national fiat currencies are now inherent in the fiat euro, the conglomerate of the underlying national fiat currencies.