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Comrade Harris Scolded Donald Trump About Arlington, So Trump Dropped Eight Videos...

•, By Publius

Donald Trump is known for speaking his mind. But sometimes he does best when he lets other people do the talking for him, especially on topics that are personal to them.

There's nothing more personal than the death of a loved one.

In a series of videos released by President Donald Trump on Truth Social, the families of the 13 U.S. servicemembers killed during the Afghanistan withdrawal under the Biden-Harris regime voiced strong criticism against Vice President Kamala Harris. They accused her of politicizing Trump's visit to Arlington National Cemetery, which they described as respectful and at their invitation.

Darin Hoover, father of Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Taylor Hoover, alongside other family members, expressed that Trump had shown them "the utmost respect, compassion, and understanding," contrasting this with what they perceive as neglect from Harris and President Biden. Hoover directly questioned Harris's integrity and empathy, highlighting the absence of personal outreach or acknowledgment from her or Biden since their loved ones' deaths.

The controversy stems from Trump's visit to Arlington, where he participated in a wreath-laying ceremony and was filmed, actions which led to an altercation with cemetery staff over filming rules. Harris criticized this event as a "political stunt," suggesting Trump disrespected the sacred ground. However, the families involved defended Trump, stating they had invited him and requested the photos and videos as a way to honor their fallen relatives.

The families' statements come in response to Harris's comments on X, where she emphasized Arlington as a place for solemn remembrance, not political activity. She also referenced past controversies, including unverified claims about Trump's views on fallen soldiers, to underscore her point about respect for military service.

This episode has reignited the debate over political activities in military spaces, with the Gold Star families arguing that Harris's criticism was politically motivated and lacked understanding of their personal loss and the significance of Trump's visit to them. They called out Harris for not engaging with them directly, accusing her of using their tragedy for political gain.