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What Happens After the Election to Millions of Illegal Migrants When the Checks Stop?

• by Martin Armstrong

NOBODY asks, what then? When the checks stop coming, and they have no skilled labor to offer, will they then go on a rampage and start robbing Americans to get ahead since most do not speak English to get a job?

I know plenty of Mexicans. They have generally good family values and are often harder workers than most. The problem is that the people flooding into the country are only passing through Mexico. They do not often share the family values or the work effort of Mexicans. What happens when the checks and free healthcare end after the election, even if Kamala wins?

We are all immigrants unless you were a native American called Indian because Christopher Columbus thought he bumped into India, which was his goal. But our ancestors came from Europe mostly seeking a land of opportunity when there were no handouts, welfare, or free healthcare to entice them to migrate. They came here to work, and most came to be able to own land, whereas, in Britain, you could only lease the land – not own it. That is why Britain had to hand back to Hong Kong. It was just a 100-year lease, known as a LONG LEASE. 

In New Jersey, there is even a township named "Freehold," which dates back to that period when the land in America one could actually own and hand to your children. New Jersey's name of its county legislative body, "Boards of Chosen Freeholders," was rather unique in the United States. The origin of the name traces back to a law passed by the General Assembly of the Province of New Jersey on February 28, 1713/14. Many fled Britain to America so they could own land. Otherwise, the LONG LEASE system means that every 100 years, the next generation must pay for the property value all over again.