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FBI Repeatedly Botches Child Abuse Investigations, New Report Finds

•, by Tyler Durden

The audit, which follows up on the infamous mishandling of allegations against former USA Gymnastics physician Lawrence Nassar, uncovered significant gaps in the bureau's response to serious allegations involving suspected child abuse.

The audit, covering the period between October 2021 and February 2023, scrutinized 327 incidents of alleged hands-on sex offenses against children and found that the FBI has been non-compliant in key areas, including mandatory reporting, victim services, and timely responses to ongoing abuse. Particularly concerning is the revelation that 13% of the reviewed cases were flagged for immediate attention due to substantial deficiencies that could have left children in harm's way.

"We found the FBI does not document and process all incoming tips and allegations within Guardian and 40 percent of the incidents we reviewed did not include evidence that the FBI responded to an allegation involving active or ongoing child sexual abuse within 24 hours as required by FBI guidance," reads the report.

Gaps in Mandatory Reporting

According to the report, FBI employees failed to comply with mandatory reporting laws in 47% of incidents involving suspected child abuse. In some cases, there was no evidence that FBI employees had made the required reports to state or local law enforcement or social services agencies. The lack of compliance persisted despite updated training and policies implemented after the Nassar scandal aimed at ensuring FBI personnel understood their obligations as mandatory reporters.

""In our review, we found that for 36 percent of eligible victims in our sample, there was no evidence that the victim received appropriate services or updates," reads the report.

Moreover, even when FBI employees did report suspected abuse, they often failed to do so within the 24-hour window required by FBI policy. The audit found that only 43% of the reports were made within the mandated timeframe, and just 17% of those reports were fully documented as required.

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