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UK Arrests Journalist on Terrorist Charges After He Criticized Israel and Terrorist Law

• Jimmy Dore, Daily Telegraph NZ and The Canary

He also criticized the Terrorism Act of 2000 that chills free speech just before he got on the plane and then got arrested under the Terrorism Act upon landing! He was accused of "expressing an opinion or belief that is supportive of a proscribed organization," but they would not explain what that means; he is under investigation and could be sentenced up to 14 years in prison.
Other journalists who have been arrested in the UK and have had their speech include Julian Assange, Kit Klarenberg, Craig Murray, and Vanessa Beeley. Journalist Glenn Greenwald's late husband and former Brazilian politician David Miranda, who was instrumental in revealing the Edward Snowden leak, was also detained in the UK under the same law that Medhurst was arrested for. Miranda successfully sued the UK government, arguing that the law did not apply to those participating in journalism.

On Monday, independent UK-based journalist Richard Medhurst posted a video saying that he was arrested at London's Heathrow Airport on Thursday and held for nearly 24 hours under the Terrorism Act 2000.

The arrest and detainment of Medhurst and several other journalists stems from the case against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, activist, organizer, and commentator Misty Winston told Sputnik's The Critical Hour on Tuesday.

"This is the Assange effect. I hate to bring it back to Julian Assange, but I think that is a crucial part of this puzzle here," Winston argued. "We saw what they did to Julian Assange and we saw the way that opened up the door for this type of behavior and for other journalists to be targeted this way."
