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IPFS News Link • General Opinion

Ten Reasons Why Human Flourishing Has Reversed

•, By: Ted Gioia

What caused this shift?

That's a big issue. Unless we understand how things went wrong, we can't begin to fix them. Otherwise we're just griping—about bad software or greedy CEOs or whatever.

It's now time to address the causes, not just complain about symptoms.

Once we do that, we can move to the next steps, namely outlining a regimen for recovery and an eventual cure.

So let me try to lay out my diagnosis as clearly as I can. Below are the ten reasons why tech is now breaking bad.

I apologize in advance for speaking so bluntly. Many will be upset by my frankness. But the circumstances—and the risks involved—demand it.

10 Reasons Why Technological Progress Is Now Reversing
(1) Instead of pursuing truth, new technologies aim to replace it with mimicry and fantasy.
Not long ago, scientists wanted to understand reality. That was true whether their names were Newton and Einstein, or Hewlett and Packard—who established Silicon Valley by building test and measurement equipment.

How quaint, test and measurement devices!—which humbly respect the essence of the real world. Could you imagine our leading tech CEOs today wasting their time on measuring the world?

Instead they want to create their own universe (or multiverse or cyberspace, to use the fashionable jargon)—and force the rest of us to live in it.