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IPFS News Link • Prepping

50 Things That Everyone Should Be Stockpiling To Prepare For Election Chaos, World War III...

•, By Michael

Are you getting prepared?  Right now, millions of Americans are stockpiling food and supplies in anticipation of what they believe is coming.  People are on edge due to the approaching election, the rapidly escalating war in the Middle East, the alarming natural disasters that we have been witnessing all around the world, and the potential for another great global pandemic.  In all my years, I have never seen more concern about the next 12 months as I am seeing at this moment.  There is a growing consensus that major history changing events are about to happen, and there are lots and lots of people that want to be well prepared.  In fact, Newsweek has reported that "doomsday prepping" has become a 2.46 billion dollar industry

The once-fringe act of doomsday prepping is evolving into a booming $2.46 billion industry, tapping into a societal pulse of self-reliance amidst a world of uncertainties.

Whether driven by the aftershocks of a post-COVID-19 environment, supply-chain disruptions, natural calamities, or geopolitical tensions, the narrative of disaster preparedness is shifting from the outskirts of society to mainstream households.

When I was growing up, I never once heard the words "prepper" or "prepping".

But now a very large portion of the population is actively preparing for the collapse of society.

According to numbers that come from FEMA, approximately 20 million Americans have prepared well enough to be able to be on their own for at least a month…

According to an analysis of Federal Emergency Management Agency data, some 20 million Americans can withstand a full month of self-reliance. Within that number, there are those who identify as part of "preppers" communities online, which include enthusiasts stocking up on years' worth of supplies or building bunkers.
