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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Biden Reported to Be Gravely Ill, If Not Dead Already

•, by Ben Sellers

After more than a day elapsed without compelling proof of life from President Joe Biden, and with various hints from the White House that he may be in deteriorating condition, some have begun to speculate that the president may not survive.

It comes after reports that the illness first claimed to be COVID-19 in Las Vegas was likely more serious.

On the Wednesday of the medical emergency, Biden was in a Mexican restaurant when "all hell broke loose," according to The Dossier.

"Far from a case of the sniffles, this was sent out on encrypted police airwaves as if something akin to a five-alarm fire had broken out," it said.

Biden initially had been set to go to the hospital before he was instead transferred to Air Force One for the flight back to Delaware, where he has reportedly been convalescing ever since, for nearly a week.

On Sunday, he unexpectedly dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, although many noted that the letter he posted to X was not on official letterhead and it did not appear to be his signature.

Joe Biden's younger brother Frank indicated that health factors were among the reasons for the 81-year-old's decision not to continue his run for president and told CBS News, "Selfishly, I will have him back to enjoy whatever time we has left."

In addition, the White House cleared the president's schedule indefinitely, and it even appeared to transfer some of his responsibilities to Secretary of State Antony Blinken.