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What is The Great Inversion?

• The Conscious Resistance - Derrick Broze

To understand the insanity of current and upcoming geopolitical events you must understand The Great Inversion.

Over the last year I have begun to use the phrase "The Great Inversion", or, simply, The False Awakening. I have yet to explain why I use this term and what it exactly it means, though I am sure readers/viewers have mostly grasped it by now.

I define The Great Inversion as:

"A false awakening whereby the steadily waking masses of freedom lovers are duped (once more) into falling for fake heroes and messiahs, and stealthily manipulated into supporting their own enslavement."

Essentially, I believe the rise of actors like Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, and other figures is part of a false awakening taking place where many freedom lovers around the world are looking to these figures as the last line of defense against The Predator Class and the Technocratic State.

Despite the attacks on Trump and Musk, their actions reveal their true character. I have extensively documented the ways in which Donald Trump serves the swamp and is not a friend of liberty. Even as I write this, Donald Trump has just announced his pick for Vice President is J.D. Vance, a Zionist whose rise came as a result of $15 million dollars from Peter Thiel, the infamous tech bro from PayPal, the surveillance firm Palantir, and a steering committee member of the Bilderberg Group.

I know this will be hard for some to accept in light of the assassination attempt, but read on.
