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IPFS News Link • MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

Morally-Bankrupt MSM Couldn't Even Admit It Was An Assassination Attempt

•, by Zero Hedge

A few years back, during the #FreedomConvoy, my main business came out in support of the truckers, and we took a lot of heat for it, including an (admittedly lame) grass roots campaign to have our business decertified as a .CA registrar.

At the time I would patiently defend our position against those who disagreed, and things would remain fairly civil – right up until the point where I would challenge where they were getting their information from.

It was weird – opposing their viewpoint was one thing, calling into question the basis of their information, namely the mainstream media, would send them into a frothing tirade. This happened repeatedly.

Until a few hours ago, nothing has surfaced both the illegitimacy and fundamental dishonesty of the corporate media cartel quite like the attempted assassination of Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.