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IPFS News Link • FBI

The Hidden History of Robert Mueller's Right-Wing Terror Factory - Part 2

• Activist Post

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) The first article of this series chronicled the FBI's mid-2000s program to stage neo-Nazi rallies around the country as a means to conduct surveillance and recruit potential informants.

Those rallies were just the beginning of a sweeping multi-state investigation, Headline USA can reveal.

Indeed, after an FBI informant was exposed in 2007 for organizing a Nazi rally in Orlando the year before, the bureau launched another operation in the same area. Dubbed "Primitive Affliction," the FBI set up a neo-Nazi motorcycle front group to infiltrate Florida's right-wing underground.

Federal agencies are known to have used motorcycle front groups cases against targets such as the Hells Angels for drug- and gun-trafficking investigations. However, Headline USA is unaware of such a tactic being employed in a politically charged domestic terrorism case until Primitive Affliction.