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IPFS News Link • Russia

NATO SUMMIT: Alliance's Endgame Appears to Be Nuclear War

•, By Chris Wright

The world is at its most dangerous moment since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. Back then, however, the fear of total destruction consumed the public; today, few people seem even to be aware of this possibility.

It is easily imaginable that nuclear war could break out between Russia (and perhaps China) and the West, yet politicians continue to escalate tensions, place hundreds of thousands of troops at "high readiness," and attack military targets inside Russia, even while ordinary citizens blithely go on with their lives.

The situation is without parallel in history.

Consider the following facts. A hostile military alliance, now including even Sweden and Finland, is at the very borders of Russia. How are Russian leaders — whose country was almost destroyed by Western invasion twice in the 20th century — supposed to react to this? How would Washington react if Mexico or Canada belonged to an enormous, expansionist, and highly belligerent anti-U.S. military alliance? 

As if expanding NATO to include Eastern Europe wasn't provocative enough, Washington began to send billions of dollars' worth of military aid to Ukraine in 2014, to "improve interoperability with NATO," in the words of the Defense Department.

Why this Western involvement in Ukraine, which, as Barack Obama said while president, is "a core Russian interest but not an American one?"

One reason was given by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) in a recent moment of startling televised candor: Ukraine is "sitting on $10 to $12 trillion of critical minerals… I don't want to give that money and those assets to Putin to share with China."