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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Tucker Carlson shares bombshell scoop on Joe, Jill and Obama from an 'unusually trusted source&#

• Revolver News

Now, you might wonder, "How could anyone be shocked by Biden's performance?" Especially since his cognitive struggles have been on full display on social media since 2019. But this moment really shows the powerful influence legacy media still has over many Americans. Time and again, the media has whitewashed Biden's image, portraying him as the "warm, grandfatherly" statesman with a compassionate touch and a steady hand on the wheel of foreign policy, economics, and the total American experience. What happened last Thursday peeled back that carefully crafted facade. The media's mask slipped off, revealing the truth about Biden's true capabilities—or lack thereof. It was a tried and true Humpty Dumpty moment—the great fall—where no spin or scramble by all the king's horses and all the king's men could piece together the shattered image that lay on the floor of that debate stage. The media was forced into a corner and had to change gears in order to salvage the last shreds of their credibility. Now, it's a showdown—Joe Biden and his DNC versus an Obama-controlled mainstream media. The burning question is this: who will come out on top?

Many believe they—meaning the people controlling the White House—want Joe Biden out.

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