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IPFS News Link • Russia

RUSSIA HOAX 2.0: Anonymous 'Intel Officials' Claim Kremlin Will Seek to Elect Donald Trump..

• The Gateway Pundit

Having been one of the many media outlets to humiliate themselves throughout the entire Mueller investigation, NBC News is citing unnamed officials at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) as saying that the Kremlin is preparing an "information warfare" campaign aimed at bolstering Donald Trump's presidential campaign.

The report states:

Russia's efforts to influence this year's U.S. election through information warfare have the same aim as in previous elections — to undermine President Joe Biden's campaign and the Democratic Party and weaken public confidence in the electoral process, intelligence officials said Tuesday.

Russia's election influence operations, which include covert social media accounts and encrypted direct messaging channels, are targeting key voter groups in swing states to exploit political divisions in the U.S. and erode support for Ukraine in the aftermath of Russia's invasion, officials with the Office of the Director National Intelligence, or ODNI, told reporters.

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