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IPFS News Link • Immigration

Illegals Getting SSNs Within Four Months of Crossing Border

• - Greg Reese

Thirty million UN voters

"I'm standing outside the United Nations office in Tapachula, Mexico. One of the things that is happening here and all along the migrant trail is that the United Nations is handing out cash and debit cards and rental assistance and movement assistance to immigrants to help sustain them on their road to El Norte." ~ Todd Bensman (Center for Immigration Studies)

Catholic Charities have been managing the illegal invasion at the southern border. Spending millions while profiting billions. And the local police admit that they are under their direction.

"The officers, we're all here with the, under the direction of Catholic Charities." ~ San Antonio Police

Richard Poisso of Chicago reported that that these illegals are getting Social Security cards within four months of crossing the southern border.

"So yesterday I ran into somebody that I haven't seen in a while. He's been here for about five months in the United States. Six months, something like that. And he says, 'Hey, I'm looking for work.' And I said, well, I can't hire you, man. I'm not, I gotta hire, like, legitimate people or whatever. And he was like, 'No, no, no, I'm legitimate now.' And he spoke in English, kind of bits and pieces together, and he pulls his I.D. and stuff out of his pocket and he says, 'I've got Social Security card now, and I got worker's ID and permit for working.' Everything all legit. Stamped. City stamping. Specialized social security envelope.
