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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Michael Moore Calls Biden Campaign 'Cruelest Form of Elder Abuse I've Ever Been Forced to Wa

•, by Adan Salazar

"The problem here is that I think there is a form of elder abuse going on here where the Democratic Party and the people that are part of the apparatus are pushing and pushing him to stay. And then he comes out and says 'I am staying,' and the family says 'I am staying,'" Moore told MSNBC's Ayman Mohyeldin.

The Fahrenheit 9/11 director went on to say he was "heartbroken" by Biden's debate performance.

"In spite of my criticisms with Biden, watching the debate a week ago was heartbreaking," Moore said.

"It was like, imagine that was your father up there. I'm thinking, 'Why isn't anybody doing anything? Why did they let him go out on the stage in this condition? Who is looking out for him? Who is looking out for him right now?'"

The interview followed an episode of Moore's podcast, where he explored the elder abuse angle in greater detail, arguing that besides having to debate "living monster" Donald Trump, the event was scheduled too late for an elderly man like Biden.

"If I have to be the only one to stand for Joe Biden — that's right, you heard me say that — if I have to be the only one to stand up for Joe Biden here, to protect him from the cruelest form of elder abuse I've ever been forced to watch, well then that's what I'll do," Moore said on his Rumble podcast, titled, "'Elder Abuse' is Refusing to Give the President a Neurological Exam — and Instead PUSHING Him to 'Soldier On.'"

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