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News Link • Gold and Silver

As Political Parties Fall, Gold & Silver Will Rise

•, by Egon von Greyerz

As political parties, currencies, stocks, bonds and other bubble assets fall, the indisputable winners will be gold and silver.  

The world and in particular the West is now entering a period of political and social unrest that signifies the end of a major era. 

It is the consequence of deficit spending, major debt expansion, currency debasement, inflation leading to political and economic turmoil and misery.  

Politics in the West are already a total mess. Whatever party gets into power, the deficit spending will accelerate, probably exponentially. That is certain in the UK with the new Labour led government, in France with a motley coalition government and in the US where one candidate might end up in jail (or become president) and the other one is too senile to stand for election. In either case, the US will have an insoluble debt crisis. 

What a mess!

Financial markets will, in coming months and years, reflect this mess. 

Geopolitical risk is of course also significant. A major war is a big risk, even nuclear war. But leaders of China, Russia and the US are of course aware of the finality of nuclear war and only an "accident" is likely to start one. But there are so many new ways of modern warfare as drones become so much more sophisticated. 

Even more effective are Cyberwars. China, Russia and the US all have the ability to immobilise computer, electronic and electrical systems to the extent that major parts of countries and even the world would be totally paralysed. In today's sophisticated world, virtually nothing would function without computer systems – financial markets including banks, travel by any means, shipping, supply of goods including food, telecommunications, internet etc, etc.