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IPFS News Link • Investigations

"Vires Law Group Submit Evidence to AGs for Criminal Action re COVID Evils"

• Naomi Wolf Substack

This evidence is of crimes, argue the attorneys, that range from racketeering to kidnapping to elder abuse and even to trafficking and murder. The attorneys' submission names Dr Rochelle Walensky, Dr Anthony Fauci, Dr Robert R Redfield, Dr Deborah Birx, and other high-placed Federal officials, as well as Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance. They also identify hospital administrators of three states -- Texas, Louisiana, and Florida -- as having overseen what amount to medical murders via protocols such as the administration of Remdesevir, and the imposition of ventilators, as well as coerced "Do Not Resuscitate" documents, all abuses compounded by forced isolation from sick loved ones.

In this important conversation, the lawyers explain the criminal offenses involved in the COVID protocols that officials now note had no scientific basis, and they show the severity of the criminal acts that the incentivized deaths in hospitals during what they describe as a criminal nexus of coercion and control during COVID, represent.