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IPFS News Link • MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

They All Knew, Every Damn One of Them

• By Coach Dave Daubenmire

They ALL knew.  Every damn one of them.  If a dolt like me can figure out that there is something wrong when the President of the United States is crapping his pants in public, certainly those who swim with the sharks in the Independent Nation of Washington, DC knew it as well.

I may have been born at night…but it wasn't last night.  Joe Biden is not mentally competent to perform the duties to which he swore an oath.

Jim Jordan knew it.  Mitch McConnell knew it.  So did Pelosi, Graham, Kameltoes, and all 535 members of the Congress.

They all knew it and they covered for him.  Every damn one of them.

But so did Joe Scarborough and the wench who co-hosts MOURNING JOE with him.  Fox News knew…and so did their "reporters".  MSLSD served as Biden's PR firm…along with most of the "Leftstream" media pundits.  Joy Reid…Whoopi…Colbert, Fallon, Kimmel…

They ALL knew.  Do you get it?  Every damn person we trusted within the confines of the captured city of Washington sold us out.  They ALL knew.  (Sorry to be so redundant…but the ALL knew, damn it!)

Do you understand what I am saying?  They ALL knew it.  Elected officials, pundits, "reporters", political advisors, Merrick Garland…

The man with the finger on the trigger of World War 3 has dementia.  They ALL knew it and they all covered for him.  Washington is a cesspool…a foreign country actually…and they no longer represent the Mom and Pop Americans that allegedly elected them.