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IPFS News Link • Chemtrails

The Abstract episode 37 "Death's Public Relations Firm"

•, By Peter A. Kirby

Such a proposition presumes untold megadeath and destruction. And yet, unbelievably, for decades now, time and time again, this is exactly what members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) as well as people presented by the CFR have been proposing. The Council on Foreign Relations has been acting like a public relations firm engaged in the selling of mass murder. Let us examine the supporting evidence, shall we? For the whole story here, please buy and read my book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project.

Time and time again, members of the CFR or people presented by the CFR have advocated for Solar Radiation Management (SRM) geoengineering. SRM geoengineering is officially acknowledged as the spraying of particulate matter from aircraft. Exposure to any type of particulate matter is known to be detrimental to human health and have a causal relationship to many deadly diseases. For more about this, please see my previous article and video "Chemtrails = DEATH." Further, many times the CFR has presented advocates for SRM geoengineering who suggest the spraying of toxic substances from aircraft. Spraying toxic substances from aircraft presumes a lot more death and destruction than the spraying of non-toxic substances and yet, we find the CFR effectively promoting all of it.

Yes, we understand that the CFR's geoengineers provide a reason for spraying us. They say that SRM geoengineering can prevent future death and destruction from the dreaded 'climate change.' So, in other words, they suggest killing and destroying in order to avoid death and destruction. Does that make sense to you? Such a hugely powerful organization promoting such a fundamentally flawed (and quite frankly, evil) policy deserves a closer look.