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IPFS News Link • Voting - Election Integrity

Wisconsin Supreme Court Reinstates Unstaffed Drop Boxes Ahead Of 2024 Election

• Zero Hedge

Well, well, well - the Wisconsin Supreme Court, with its liberal majority, issued a ruling on Friday that reinstates the use of unstaffed drop boxes ahead of the 2024 election.

In a 4-3 decision that reverses their own 2022 prohibition on unmanned dropboxes, the justices agreed with Democrats who argued that the Wisconsin Supreme Court had previously misinterpreted the law in its 2022 ruling, and wrongly concluded that absentee ballots can only be returned to a clerk in their office, and not to a drop box that is located elsewhere.

"What if we just got it wrong?" said Justice Jill Karofsky during May arguments. "What if we made a mistake? Are we now supposed to just perpetuate that mistake into the future?"