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News Link • Political Theory

Big Mike is Coming

•, By eric

Last night, we watched Joe Biden being eyed – by the Left.

Which is about to consume him.

There is now very little doubt that the obviously senile old grifter is done-for. He is chum. Whatever the Orange Man's deficits – and they are many – he is not (as yet) a dead man walking. Biden became just that – almost literally – as he shuffled onto the stage last night; his vacant-angry facial expressions could have been crafted by a mortician. He looked, at any rate, like a man who will soon require the services of one.

The pretense that this near-corpse will be the nominee of the Left – there is no longer a "Democratic" Party – is another delusion of our times, along with "safe and effective." But few believe that anymore, either.

Now the eyes of the piranhas focus on the soon-to-be-chum. It may not even be another week before he is bones scattered on the bottom of the fishbowl, the flesh picked clean.

It is that bad – and they know it is.

More to the point, they know that the orange anathema is now on track to actually win – because they won't be able to pretend an electoral majority voted for this casket-model. It was possible to pull it off, last time, because they were able to keep the casket-model in the basement for most of the (s)election year on account – so ran the excuse – of "the pandemic." They haven't got that excuse this time and it's probably too late (and too soon) to try that one again. A lot can happen over the course of the next five months before we get to the (s)election and it is possible Orange Man will be offed before then.