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Watch Live "The Border Debate": Pundits Clash Over Illegal Immigration

•, by Tyler Durden

Immigration is the most important political problem facing the US today according to Gallup and about a half-dozen other pollsters, not to mention at least half of America.

To debate this issue, we are joined by former Navy intel officer Jack Posobiec and author Ryan Girdusky, who will make the case in favor of a border crackdown and even an all-out immigration moratorium.

Debating against them will be The Hill's Robby Soave and Libertarian presidential Candidate Chase Oliver; they will argue that our economy needs immigrants and that our government should admit more of them.

The debate will be moderated by The Intercept's Ryan Grim and Unherd's Emily Jashinsky who host the Counter Points show on YouTube.

And so, without further ado, let's get ready to rumble.