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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

President Trump pulled another rabbit out of his MAGA hat--look who will be speaking at the RNC…


Trump revealed on Truth Social that the President of the Teamsters Union has agreed to speak at the RNC—a feat no other Republican nominee has accomplished. This landmark move further cements Trump's reputation as the quintessential leader of the working man.

Who can forget the time Joe Biden got downright nasty with a Michigan autoworker?

It's logical why the Teamsters president is stepping up to the plate and speaking at the RNC. He's tuned into his members, and they're chanting for President Trump.

And it's not just Teamsters; it's a lot of union guys who are crying out for Trump's leadership.


"Scranton Joe" loves Hollywood's Elite. Another fundraiser in California. Illegals flood every city, but what does Biden know about how bad it is? He's totally out of touch.

????Steamfitters Local 638 Union members love Trump!

"Most guys support Trump because he does the right thing. He puts America First. The illegals coming in, these are the guys taking our jobs for $10 an hour – cash. They're not putting it back into the system – we are. People are tired of paying for high gas prices, the foods out the roof, the interest rates are so high people can't afford to buy a house!

????"Everyone has Trump stickers on their hats. They see Trump as a passionate president for the country. It's undeniable how much he cares about the country – it's not even a question."