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Russian-linked gang claims Federal Reserve hack - and threatens to release America's banking...


A Russian-linked gang has allegedly hacked the US Federal Reserve and is threatening to release America's backing secrets if they don't receive a ransom.

The group, known as LockBit, warned that it will expose '33 terabytes of juicy banking information' if their demands are not met by 4:27pm ET today.

The ransom amount is unknown, but LockBit shared a statement on the dark web that suggested a 'negotiator' offered it $50,000 - which was allegedly refused.

The Federal Reserve has not commented on the alleged hack, but previously stated that 'a cyber event could be extremely damaging.'

The timing of the alleged attack could also cause far greater implications, Carlos Perez, the Director of Security Intelligence at TrustedSec, told

'This happening in an election year and given the ties of these groups to Russian intelligence agencies, one cannot ignore that any data leaked may be tampered and not be accurate, allowing for fear, uncertainty and doubt to be spread as part of a influence operation,' Perez warned. has been in contacted with the Federal Reserve, but the central bank has refused to provide comments on the claims.

LockBit revealed the central bank had become its latest victim on Monday evening, sharing a statement on the dark web with a countdown until it releases the supposed stolen data.

'Federal banking is the term for the way the Federal Reserve of the United States distributes its money,' reads the announcement. 

The Reserve operates twelve banking districts around the country that oversee money distribution within their respective districts. 
