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IPFS News Link • Chemtrails

The Abstract episode 35 "Rockefellers Covering the Earth with CHEMTRAILS?"

•, By Peter A. Kirby

The two are so intertwined and have been so for so long that it is impossible to separate them. Specific evidence of this is found in: secret societies, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Flying Tigers, the Nazis, the United Nations, the CIA, Rockefeller Bros. Inc., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories and much more. This article gives an overview, but much more detail can be found in my book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project.

As with everything the Rockefeller establishment does, it all starts with secret societies. The mysterious Committee of 300 as well as the infamous Skull & Bones have most probably been involved here too, but there's a certain group called The Round Table known to control the resources necessary to coordinate and guide the New Manhattan Project (NMP) throughout the decades.

As a way to advance the goals of The Round Table in America, J.P. Morgan (1837-1913) established the American chapter of the Pilgrim Society at the Waldorf Astoria hotel in Manhattan. A London headquarters of the Pilgrim Society had been previously established. Members of Morgan's new Manhattan chapter of the Pilgrim Society included Percy Rockefeller. Later, members of the Pilgrim Society of more specific note to the New Manhattan Project would come to include: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, Henry Luce, David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush. In 1912 the Pilgrim Society spawned an American Round Table. The financial cartel consisting mainly of the houses of: Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan, Schiff, and Rothschild has been the driving force behind the Pilgrim Societies and The Round Table.

The American Federal Reserve Bank System (a source of unlimited funding) was hatched by members of the Pilgrim Society. A partial 1914 listing of U.S. Federal Reserve Bank shareholders includes: National City Bank, William Rockefeller and Percy Rockefeller. The Rockefeller-controlled National City Bank was the largest shareholder with 30,000 shares.

The Rockefeller Foundation was founded in 1913 (the same year as their private U.S. Federal Reserve Bank) to promote nothing less than the welfare of all mankind. The Rockefellers intended to use science to solve the global problems of: sickness, poverty, underdevelopment, and ignorance. Spraying megatons of toxic waste from aircraft is apparently their idea of how to achieve these goals.