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IPFS News Link • China

China Buying Up Land Near Strategic US Military Bases, 19 American Locations Potentially...

•, By Jared Harris

Chinese land purchases near strategic military bases in the United States are causing even more concern about the amount of political and strategic power the country wields in America.

In recent years, entities out of the People's Republic have purchased countless acres of U.S. farmland, some of it near military bases critical to America's national security.

The purchases, and other apparent infiltration of the American homeland, underline an alarming fact about China's ability to project power.

According to the New York Post, Chinese investors own more than 349,442 acres across the United States.

At least 19 of these foreign holdings are located in worrying proximity to domestic military bases.

The important posts include Fort Leonard Wood, Fort Irwin, the Yuma Proving Ground and Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

The last installation is perhaps one of the most troubling. Wright-Patterson AFB hosts personnel assigned to the Nuclear Command, Control and Communication Integration Directorate.

"The directorate advises [Air Force Global Strike Command] on the [Nuclear Command, Control and Communications] Weapon System's technical architecture and informs key decisions regarding investment and modernization," an Air Force fact sheet explains.

"The directorate is also responsible for the weapon system's configuration management, system test, system verification, and system certification."

Wright-Patterson AFB not only plays a key role in the maintenance and modernization of our nation's nuclear stockpile, but also houses a number of strategic air wings, as well as intelligence and research centers.
