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IPFS News Link • Education: Government Schools

Trump Vows to Shut Down Department of Education if Reelected...

•, By Jim Hoft

In a fiery speech in Philadelphia this past Saturday, President Donald Trump vowed to completely shut down the Department of Education if he returns to the White House.

This bold proposal is aimed squarely at dismantling the "indoctrination" of students through Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs, Critical Race Theory (CRT), and the integration of "woke sexual content" in school curricula.

For years, American schools have been plagued by leftist teachers and administrators more focused on pushing a political agenda than on education.

During the rally, Trump outlined his vision for a radical overhaul of the American education system, emphasizing a return to state control and away from federal oversight.

"I will shut down the federal Department of Education, and we will move everything back to the states where it belongs and where they can individualize education and do it with the love for their children," Trump said.

