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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

Billionaire Winklevoss Twins Endorse Trump, Donate $2 Million in Bitcoin to His 2024 Campaign…

•,by Cristina Laila

The billionaire Winklevoss twins endorsed Trump for president and donated $2 million to his 2024 campaign.

Gemini crypto exchange founders Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss announced they will be voting for Trump in November…and they sent a message to the hostile Biden Regime.

I just donated $1 million in bitcoin (15.47 BTC) to Donald Trump and will be voting for him in November. Here's why:

Over the past few years, the Biden Administration has openly declared war against crypto. It has weaponized multiple government agencies to bully, harass, and sue the good actors in our industry in an effort to destroy it. This Administration's actions have been nothing short of an unprecedented abuse of power wielded entirely for twisted political gain at the complete expense of innovation, the American taxpayer, and the American economy. There is nothing the Biden Administration can do or say at this point to pretend otherwise.

Tyler Winklevoss highlighted some of Biden's war on crypto companies:

The weaponization of the banking system against crypto companies and their principals.

The weaponization of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) against crypto.

Tyler Winklevoss blasted Joe Biden for tearing down the crypto industry and waging a war on capitalism.

"Capitalism lifts people up. When allowed to flourish properly, it is the greatest generator of wealth and prosperity the world has ever known and it's the only economic system that can achieve all of this peacefully, while upholding the freedom and dignity of every individual who participates. With certain conditions in place — like the ability for anyone to incorporate a company, open a bank account to accept customer payments, and operate in the open market without government interference — innovation and wealth creation will thrive unbounded. Remove any one of these building blocks and you will have an entirely different system with entirely different results. This is exactly what the Biden Administration has done to the crypto industry and many other industries in America. It has been dismantling our economic way of life and the system that made America the greatest country in the world. And it has done this solely for its own power, control, and political ambition," Tyler Winklevoss said.