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IPFS News Link • Conferences

I'm Headed to PorcFest!

• Jacob Hornberger - FFF

The festival starts today, June 17. My talk will be on Wednesday, June 19, at 3 p.m. in the Pavilion.

Entrance to PorcFest. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

I have spoken at PorcFest many times in the past. It will be great to return and share my perspectives with the PorcFest crowd. It is my understanding that they sold out last year. I imagine that the same could be true this year.

My talk will revolve around my two books The Kennedy Autopsy and An Encounter with Evil: The Abraham Zapruder Story. I'll have several copies of An Encounter with Evil for sale at a super-discounted price.

As I detail in The Kennedy Autopsy, on Friday night, November 22, 1963, the U.S. military conducted a fraudulent autopsy on the body of President Kennedy. Keep in mind that the military had no jurisdiction whatsoever to conduct this autopsy. Neither did anyone else in the federal government. That's because at that time, the assassination of a U.S. president was not a federal offense. It was a murder case under state law. There is one reason that the military took control over JFK's body — to assist in the cover-up of the national-security establishment's assassination of the president by conducting a fraudulent autopsy on the very evening of the assassination.