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IPFS News Link • European Union

EU Court Fines Hungary €200 Million for Defying Open Border Rules

•, By nephila

In nation after nation, the vast majority now of all crimes committed are by these migrants. Is there any wonder that Hungary simply says Hell No!  They are demonized for not wanting to destroy their nation as German and France continue to do.

A European Union court has recently imposed a significant financial penalty on Hungary, mandating the nation to pay a fine of €200 million. This decision stems from Hungary's non-compliance with the EU's requirement for open borders among its member states, a policy that Hungary has resisted under the leadership of Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

The dispute originated from a 2020 order by the European Court, which directed that migrants should be allowed to stay in Hungary indefinitely while their asylum appeals are processed. Hungary, led by Orban, defied this order, leading to the recent financial penalty. Additionally, Hungary faces a daily fine of one million euros until it aligns its policies with the EU directive.

The European Court of Justice articulated that Hungary's refusal to adhere to the 2020 judgment regarding the rights of international protection applicants, and its failure to remove illegally staying third-country nationals, represents a significant and deliberate breach of EU law. The court described this non-compliance as an "unprecedented and extremely serious infringement."

Reacting to the court's ruling, Prime Minister Orban expressed strong disapproval on social media, labeling the decision as "outrageous and unacceptable" and criticized what he perceives as financial blackmail by EU bureaucrats. He reaffirmed his commitment to protecting Hungary's borders and the Hungarian people, rejecting the imposition of fines for what he terms the prevention of illegal entry by migrants.

This stance by Hungary has garnered acclaim from conservative factions globally, praising the country for its strict immigration policies and refusal to admit migrants based on what they consider as unfounded asylum claims. This issue has been particularly resonant in the wake of the recent success of conservative and patriotic parties in the European elections, where similar immigration and sovereignty themes played a significant role.
