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IPFS News Link • World News

"The Train Has Left the Station and No One Can Stop It"

• Paul Craig Roberts

President Vucic says "no one is attempting to stop the war. Nobody is speaking about peace. Peace is almost a forbidden word." Scroll down to the 5 minute video.

Hungarian leader Viktor Orban has a similar view as does Slovakian president Robert Fico, who survived a recent assassination attempt.

In Western Europe, UK, and Washington everyone is talking about wider war with long range missiles used for attacks deep into Russia. Such attacks cannot revive the defeated Ukrainian military. Their purpose seems to be to provoke Russia into a retaliation that Washington can use to widen the war.

President Vucic is correct. The West is making no effort–indeed, is avoiding all effort–to defuse the dangerous situation. Instead, the West is throwing oil on fire with long range missile attacks and French troops sent into Ukraine.
