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IPFS News Link • Germany

Populists could give Germany Trumpian foreign policy


Recent political developments in Germany, highlighted by the boycott of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy's speech to the Bundestag by lawmakers from the Alternative for Germany (AfD) and Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) parties, underscore significant geopolitical ramifications for Europe.

The Bundestag event and the broader electoral success of these parties suggest a potential reorientation of Germany's foreign policy and its stance on the Ukraine conflict.

Shift in German political landscape

The AfD and BSW have capitalized on growing public discontent with the current government's support for Ukraine and aggressive climate policies. Their electoral gains reflect a broader sentiment across Germany and Europe, where voters increasingly reject traditional parties advocating for military involvement and the European "Green New Deal."

The AfD's boycott of Zelenskiy's speech – labeling him as a "war and begging president" – and BSW's calls for immediate peace negotiations mark a stark departure from the ruling coalition's policies. This shift could lead to a reevaluation of Germany's support for Ukraine and its approach to the conflict with Russia.

Potential policy changes

If the AfD and BSW continue to gain influence, we could see several key policy changes:

Reduction in military support for Ukraine: Both parties advocate for diplomacy over military solutions. This stance might result in reduced arms deliveries and a push for peace negotiations. The SPD has already tried to address these sentiments in the run-up to the European elections, but without success.

Reassessment of NATO Relations: A shift in Germany's stance on the Ukraine conflict could strain relations within NATO, particularly with countries favoring a more aggressive approach towards Russia.
