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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

PART TWO - Oblivious western leaders push the world toward NUCLEAR ANNIHILATION

• Brighteon - Health Ranger - Mike Adams

- Israeli military actions in #Palestine, highlighting lack of humanity. (0:03)

- Drone warfare, nuclear annihilation, and military terminator robot capabilities in world war three. (5:16)

- AI-powered drone swarms. (9:52)

- AI extermination of humans, dehumanization of Palestinians, and Israel's fate. (15:55)

- Russia's nuclear capabilities, including submarine-launched ballistic missiles.

- Why America has no defense against Russia's nuclear weapons.

- Western leaders are trying to provoke World War III with #Russia.

- If humanity survives the war, AI terminator robots will eventually finish the job.

- Abandon any expectation that the end of the world will be avoided.