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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

Must Watch! California Trump Supporters Flood Streets Ahead of Trump Visit


Jubilant Americans young and old, black and white, and everything in between were seen clad in MAGA gear, American flags and Trump flags chanting, "USA! USA!" in hopes of catching a glimpse of Trump on his way to a fundraising event.

Trump's motorcade was also seen heading to Newport Beach for the fundraiser at a private home hosted by multimillionaire tech entrepreneur Palmer Luckey, among others.

Newport Beach appears to be solid MAGA country!

California, which has long been seen as a blue state, looks to be in play for the 2024 election, which must have Democrats quaking in their boots.

Trump has already galvanized a great deal of support in blue states like New Jersey and New York amid his Manhattan trial that resulted in 34 guilty verdicts against the 45th president.

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