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IPFS News Link • Environmental Protection Agency-E.P.A

EPA finds 726 chemicals in biosolids years after claiming "biosludge" is safe to use on fa

•, by: Ethan Huff

The latest count shows that at least 726 toxic chemicals are present in the so-called "fertilizer."
Section 405(d) of the Clean Water Act stipulates that the EPA has to conduct a biennial analysis of the regulations to determine if there is sufficient scientific evidence to continue backing the use of biosludge. So far, there does not seem to be any amount of chemicals that is too much for safe use on United States farms.

You can learn more about the EPA's biennial reviews of sewage sludge standards at this link.

"To date, EPA has conducted eight biennial reviews to identify chemical and microbial pollutants and three national sewage sludge surveys to identify pollutants and obtain concentration data for chemicals found in biosolids," explains a recent report on the subject that was published in the Nature journal Scientific Data.

"Prior to 2021, there was inconsistent reporting of chemicals identified and EPA did not cumulatively track chemicals in biosolids."

Biosolids and the destruction of food

According to the EPA, the current list shows 726 chemicals and structure-based classes in sewage sludge that pose potential risks to the food supply and public health. The list is formally known as the Biosolids List, and it is supposed to exist so the EPA can better protect the health of the nation.

"During the biennial review process EPA collects and reviews publicly available information for (1) pollutants in biosolids that were newly identified during the literature search timeframe; and (2) pollutants in biosolids that were previously identified in EPA national sewage sludge surveys and/or in previous biennial reviews. Information is collected on the occurrence, fate and transport of these pollutants in the environment and their effects on human health and ecological receptors," the EPA says.

"The types of information collected are needed to conduct risk assessments."

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