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IPFS News Link • Censorship

Alex Jones and Infowars

•, By Jon Rappoport

Alex Jones is reporting that the federal government tried to shut down the Infowars studio. Update.1

Here is Chat GPT's summary of Jones' legal troubles:

"In the defamation lawsuit against Alex Jones, he was ordered to pay nearly $1.5 billion. This amount was awarded in various verdicts and judgments related to the cases brought by families of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. The lawsuits stemmed from Jones's repeated false claims that the shooting was a hoax. The damages include compensatory and punitive awards given in multiple cases across different trials."

I asked whether Jones apologized for his statements before the trials took place.

"Yes, Alex Jones did issue apologies before the trials took place. Over the years, he has made several public statements retracting his previous claims about the Sandy Hook shooting being a hoax. He acknowledged that the shooting was real and expressed regret for any distress his false statements may have caused the victims' families. However, despite these apologies, the lawsuits proceeded, with plaintiffs arguing that the damage caused by his repeated false claims was extensive and profound, leading to the significant judgments against him in court."

Alex was ordered to pay nearly $1.5 BILLION.

For statements he made. For which he apologized.


Make a list of heinous crimes of the past and present, for which the perpetrators paid nothing.

Think of all articles you've ever read which claimed crimes weren't actually committed, but were hoaxes. No one paid anything for saying "hoax."