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IPFS News Link • United Nations

We're Saved! UN Scientists to disrupt Brussels, 'demand degrowth' – Issue 'manifesto

•, By Marc Morano

Via Press Release:

From 6 to 8 June, Scientist Rebellion International, Growth Kills and Extinction Rebellion are organising a series of civil disobedience actions in Brussels, as well as an information meeting and activism workshop. The series is supported by Wolfgang Cramer, prominent IPCC member and Peace Nobel Prize winner, who will be available for interviews on Monday.

"Economic growth is a concept that was useful almost 100 years ago to help politicians overcome the disaster of the 1929 world economic crisis. Today, it has become a leitmotif to justify the destruction of our natural resources and to support the redistribution of wealth to the richest. What we need is an economic system that guarantees the well-being of everyone, while respecting the planet's limits. This is entirely possible if we have the political will." (Wolfgang Cramer, IPCC, Peace Nobel Prize 2007)

In detail:

6 June, 10 pm CEST: Audiovisual action disrupting a crowded square to loudly announce the start of our campaign and invite citizens to join us.

7 June, 8 am CEST: Colourful blockade of a major building – the main action of the series.

7 June, 6 pm CEST: Information meeting with specialist speakers and activism workshop, followed by an anti-consumerist urban art action.

8 June, 2 pm CEST: Action to disrupt an area of over-consumption, with a focus on raising awareness.

A few days before the European elections, we deplore the fact that virtually no parties advocate degrowth, although it is the only way out of the social and ecological impasse. We denounce consumerism, the ultimate cause of the current ecological collapse, as well as the suicidal ideology of 'green growth' behind which our politicians hide to escape their responsibilities.

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